26 No.1
IJOCA published twice yearly, appearing between March-May and Oct.-Nov.

Prices from 2011 for IJOCA:

1. Print Only
Individual -- domestic, US$50;   foreign, US$75;
Individual -- domestic, US$100;   foreign, US$120.

2. Digital Only (must supply e-mail address)
Individual -- domestic and foreign, US$40;  
Institution -- domestic and foreign, US$100.  

3. Print and Digital (must supply e-mail address)
Individual -- domestic, US$60;   foreign, US$85;
Individual -- domestic, US$110;   foreign, US$130.

Postage included.

- Payment must be made by check, international money order, or PayPal in U.S. dollars and payable to John A. Lent/IJOCA.
- Add US$6 for PayPal transactions under US$125 and US$12 for transactions over US$125.
- Sorry, no credit cards.
Back issues are available at the same rates as above. The following are out of print: Vol. 1, nos. 1 and 2; Vol. 4, no.2, and Vol. 7, no.1. We hope to reprint these numbers soon.
There is no online version of the IJOCA
Subscriptions should be ordered directly from:

Contact: John A. Lent
                 669 Ferne Blvd.
                 Drexel Hill, PA 19026
                 Email: jlent@temple.edu
                 Phone: 610-622-3938