26 No.1
Vol.1, No.1 Spring/Summer 1999 218 pages / 18 articles x
Vol.1, No.2 Fall 1999 250 pages / 21 articles x
Vol.2, No.1 Spring 2000 213 pages / 19 articles x
Vol.2, No.2 Fall 2000 331 pages / 19 articles Portfolio: 10 cartoons
Vol.3, No.1 Spring 2001 302 pages / 24 articles Portfolio: 14 cartoons
Vol.3, No.2 Fall 2001 344 pages / 24 articles Portfolio: 7 cartoons
Vol.4, No.1 Spring 2002 322 pages / 27 articles Portfolio: 12 cartoons
Vol.4, No.2 Fall 2002 375 pages / 22 articles Portfolio: 12 cartoons
Vol.5, No.1 Spring 2003 426 pages / 29 articles Portfolio: 13 cartoons Oleg Dergachov's Special: 8 cartoons
Vol.5, No.2 Fall 2003 526 pages / 34 articles 1 special Index/Portfolio: 11 cartoons
Vol.6, No.1 Spring 2004 386 pages / 22 articles Portfolio: 10 cartoons
Vol.6, No.2 Fall 2004 26 articles Portfolio: 11 cartoons
Vol.7, No.1 Spring 2005 35 articles Portfolio: 16 cartoons
Vol.7, No.2 Fall 2005 416 pages / 22 articles Portfolio: 6 cartoons
Vol.8, No.1 Spring 2006 620 pages / 31 articles Portfolio: 15 cartoons
Vol.8, No.2 Fall 2006 508 pages / 22 articles Portfolio: 10 cartoons
Vol.9, No.1 Spring 2007 755 pages / 38 articles Portfolio: 11 cartoons
Vol.9, No.2 Fall 2007 643 pages / 29 articles Portfolio: 10 cartoons
Vol.10, No.1 Spring 2008 604 pages / 39 articles Portfolio: 15 cartoons
Vol.10, No.2 Fall 2008 872 pages / 41 articles x
Vol.11, No.1 Spring 2009 673 pages / 28 articles Portfolio: 17 cartoons
Vol.11, No.2 Fall 2009 528 pages / 26 articles Portfolio: 20 cartoons
Vol.12, No.1 Spring 2010 537 pages / 27 articles Portfolio: 14 cartoons
Vol.12, No.2 Fall 2010 711 pages / 38 articles Portfolio: 19 cartoons
Vol.13, No.1 Spring 2011 760 pages / 39 articles x
Vol.13, No.2 Fall 2011 750 pages / 46 articles x
Vol.14, No.1 Spring 2012 636 pages / 29 articles Portfolio: 11 cartoons
Vol.14, No.2 Fall 2012 504 pages / 30 articles Portfolio: 15 cartoons
Vol.15, No.1 Spring 2013 504 pages / 24 articles Portfolio: 20 cartoons
Vol.15, No.2 Fall 2013 794 pages / 42 articles x
Vol.16, No.1 Spring 2014 590 pages / 28 articles Portfolio: 21 cartoons
Vol.16, No.2 Fall/Winter 2014 686 pages / 37 articles x
Vol.17, No.1 Spring/Summer 2015 679 pages / 36 articles x
Vol.17, No.2 Fall/Winter 2015 663 pages / 34 articles Portfolio: 9 cartoons
Vol.18, No.1 Spring/Summer 2016 639 pages / 32 articles x
Vol.18, No.2 Fall/Winter 2016 557 pages / 28 articles Portfolio: 30 cartoons
Vol.19, No.1 Spring/Summer 2017 661 pages / 30 articles Portfolio: 9 cartoons
Vol.19, No.2 Fall/Winter 2017 497 pages / 23 articles x
Vol.20, No.1 Spring/Summer 2018 681 pages / 39 articles x
Vol.20, No.2 Fall/Winter 2018 632 pages / 31 articles x
Vol.21, No.1 Spring/Summer 2019 840 pages / 41 articles x
Vol.21, No.2 Fall/Winter 2019 503 pages / 21 articles Portfolio: 11 cartoons
Vol.22, No.1 Spring/Summer 2020 606 pages / 26 articles x
Vol.22, No.2 Fall/Winter 2020 606 pages / 26 articles Portfolio: 32 cartoons
Vol.23, No.1 Spring 2021 596 pages / 24 articles x
Vol.23, No.2 Fall/Winter 2021 605 pages / 39 articles x
Vol.24, No.1 Spring/Summer 2022 521 pages / 35 articles x
Vol.24, No.2 Fall/Winter 2022 521 pages / 35 articles x
Vol.25, No.1 Spring/Summer 2023 637pages / 27 articles Portfolio: 7cartoons
Vol.25, No.2 Fall/Winter 2023 882 pages / 22 articles International Journal of Comic Art
Author, Country, and Genre Index
Volumes 1-25 (1999-2023)
Vol.26, No.1 Spring/Summer 2024 434 pages / 28 articles Portfolio: 30 cartoons

Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring/Summer 1999
John A. Lent 1-3 Editor's Note: Finally, an International Journal for Comic Art
Joseph Witek 4-16 Comics Criticism in the United States; A Brief Historical Survey
Matthew Lombard,
John A. Lent,
Linda Greenwood,
Asli Tunc
17-32 A Framework for Studying Comic Art
Allen Ellis 33-41 Comic Art in Scholarly Writing: A Citation Guide
Peter Duus 42-56 The Marumaru Chinbun and the Origins of the Japanese Political Cartoon
Gene Kannenberg, Jr. 57-75 Proving "Silas" an Artist: Winsor McCay's Formal Experiments in Comics and Animation
Mike Kidson 76-89 William Hogarth: Printing Techniques and Comics
David A. Berona 90-103 Breaking Taboos: Sexuality in the Work of Will Eisner and the Early Wordless Novels
Leif Packalen 104-121 Comics in the Development of Africa
Bart Beaty 122-139 Featuring Stories by the World's Greatest Authors: Classics Illustrated and the "Middlebrow Problem" in the Postwar Era
Pascal Lefevre 140-149 Recovering Sensuality in Comic Theory
John A. Lent 150-156 The Horrors of Cartooning in Slim's Algeria
David E. Goldweber 157-170 Mr. Punch, Dangerous Savior
Waldomiro C. S. Vergueiro 171-186 Children's Comics in Brazil: From Chiquinho to Monica, A Difficult Journey
Nadilson Manoel da Silva 187-204 Brazilian Adult Comics: The Age of Market
Spiros Tsaousis 205-218 Postmodern Spatiality and the Narrative Structure of Comics


Vol. 1, No. 2, Fall 1999
John A. Lent 1 Editor's Note
Jose Alaniz 4 Towards a History of a ‘Stalled’ Medium: Comics in Russia
Marc Singer 29 Invisible Order: Comics, Time and Narrative
Anne Rubenstein 41 Mexican Magazine Censors Versus the United States Marines: A Case Study of Transnational Reception
Michael A Chaney 55 The Dismantling Evolution of Heroes: Aquaman’s Amputation
John A. Lent 66 Poland’s Malgorzata Tabaka, Drawer of Lyrical Satirical Cartoons
Daniel Patanella 76 The Persuasive Techniques and Psychological Validity of Seduction of the Innocent
Igor Prassel 86 Slovenian Comics
Allen Douglas, Fedwa Malti-Douglas 98 Islamic “Classics Illustrated”: Regendering Medieval Philosopy in a Modern Tunisian Strip
Joost Pollmann 107 An Art of the Real: About the Adulthood of Contemporary Comics
Turgut Çeviker 127 The City and Housing in Turkish Cartoons
Mark C. Rogers 132 Licensing Farming and the American Comic Book Industry
Michael G. Rhode 143 The Commercialization of Comics: A Broad Historical Overview
Francis B. Nyamnjoh 171 Press Cartoons and Politics in Cameroon
Caridad Blanco de la Cruz 191 The Engineering of Humor
Stanford W. Carpenter 195 The Tarzan vs. Predator Comic Book Mini-Series: An Ethnographic Analysis
  216 New Voices in Comics” 1998: A Roundtable
John A. Lent 238 The Printed Word
Mark C. Rogers 242 Reviews
Gene Kannenberg, Jr. 244 Critical Closure
  248 Correspondence


Vol. 2, No. 1, Spring 2000
John A. Lent 1-2 Editor's Note
Leonard Rifas 3-32 Cold War Comics
Annette Matton 33-43 Reader Responses to Doug Murray's The 'Nam
Wai-ming Ng 44-56 A Comparative Study of Japanese Comics in Southeast Asia and East Asia
Andrew Matzner 57-75 Not a Pretty Picture: Images of Married Life in Thai Comic Books
Old Frahm 76-84 Weird Signs: Aesthetics of Comics as a Parody
Maurice Horn 85-89 American Comic Strips And Silent Seriable: A Prarallel
Zdravko Zupan 90-101 The Golden Age of Serbian Comics Belgrade Comic Art 1935-1941
John A. Lent 102-108 East European Cartooning: Differences over Time and Space
Oleg Dergatchov 109-116 Leonid Tishkov's Dabloids: Russian Myth in Comics
Michael Hill 117-132 Outside Influence / Local Color: The Australian Small Press
Anne N. Thalheimer 133-143 Terrorists, Bitches, and Dykes: Late 20th Century Lesbian Comix
Barbara Jo Lewis 144-158 Cyborg Might: Conceptions of Power in Comic Book Art
Libbie McQuillan 159-177 Between the Sheets at Pilote: 1968-1973
Caridad Blanco 178-189 Always the Other One: Salomon
Ana Merino 190-197 Inodoro Pereyra, A "Gaucho" in the Pampa of Paper and Ink: Folkloric and Literary Intertextuality and Its Reformulations in Argentinean Comics
Oyin Medubi 198-206 Leadership Stereotypes and Lexical Choices: An Example of Nigerian Cartoons
John A. Lent 207-208 The Printed Word
Mike KidsonMichael G. Rhode 209-213 Reviews


Vol. 2, No. 2, Fall 2000
David R. Spencer 1-32 Double Vision: The Victorian Bi-cultural World of Henri Julien
Wendy Siuyi WongLisa M. Cuklanz 33-53 The Emerging Image of the Modern Woman in Hong Kong Comics of the 1960s &1970s
Francis Nyamnjoh 54-76 Zapiro and South African Political Cartooning
Jordan J. Titus 77-99 Gnashing of Teeth: The Vagina Dentata Motif in "Bad Girl" Comics
Chris York 100-110 All in the Family: Homophobia and Batman Comics in the 1950s
Thierry Groensteen 111-120 Gustave Dore's Comics
Kalman Rubovszky 121-134 The Hungarian Comic Strip at the Turn of the Millennium
Mel Gibson 135-151 Reading as Rebellion: The Case of the Girls' Comic in Britain
Ruth Boyask 152-163 Reading Community in Funtime Comics: A New Zealand Narrative
Waldomiro C. S. Vergueiro 164-177 Brazilian Superheroes in Search of Their Own Identities
Jeff Williams 178-190 The Evolving Novel: the Comic-Book Medium as the Next Stage
Paul P. Somers, Jr. 191-205 Krauts Hinaus: Graphic Stereotypes of German-Americans Before and During World War I
Eric Weitzel 206-232 Of Pop Culture Pleasures and Radical Aesthetics: The Influence of Popular Comic Strips on Picasso's Political Art
Jongmin ParkSung Wook Shim 233-247 The Presidential Candidates in Political Cartoons: A Reflection of Cultural Differencs between the United States and Korea
Michael L. MaynardEdward Lordan 248-264 Laughing at the Glass Ceiling in The Wall Street Journal Cartoons
Michael RhodeTom FurtwanglerDavid Wybenga 265-306 Stories Without Words: A Bibliography with Annotations
John A. Lent 307-309 The Printed Word
310-321 Reviews
Gene Kannenberg, Jr. 322-324 Critical Closure
325-331 Portfolio


Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring 2001
John A. Lent 1-2 Editor's Note
John A. Lent 3-8 Comic Art: Some Global Issues
Joost Pollman 9-21 Shaping Sounds in Comics
Jeremy Allen 22-37 A Virtual Revolution: Australian Comic Creators and the Web
Tim Blackmore 38-58 What a Picnic!: Swamp Ecology in Walt Kelly's Pogo
Lim Cheng Tju 59-76 "Sister Art" - A Short History of Chinese Cartoons and Woodcuts in Singapore
David E. Goldweber 77-85 The Function of Dreams and Stories in The Sandman
Pierre L. Horn 86-92 American Graffiti - French Style: Three Comic Strip Artists Look at Pre-War America
Mark C. Rogers 93-108 Ideology in Four Colours: British Cultural Studies Do Comics
Jean-Marie Bertin 109-119 Thoughts and Views on Raymond Peynet, French Artist and Universal Poet
Sheng-mei Ma 120-148 The Nine Lives of Blackhawk's Oriental: Chop Chop, Wu Cheng, and Weng Chan
Sue RalphBeth HallerTim Lees 149-169 "Off Me Head": Cartoons from English Newspapers Concerning the Glenn Hoddle Affair
Peter Nieuwendijk 170-190 Several Ways of Making a Cartoon (with 26 Examples)
Andy Mason 191-197 Africa Ink: Cartoonists Working Group, Towards an Association of African Cartoonists: Report of an International Workshop on Cartoon Journalism and Democratisation in Southern Africa
John A. Lent 198-202 How To Withstand War, the Rastko Ciric Way
Chris Gage 203-209 Can You Dig It? The World of Fast Willie Jackson
William Foster, III 210-216 Interview with Bertram Fitzgerald: The Life and Times of Fast Willie Jackson (1976-1977)
M. Thomas Inge 217-250 Comic Strips: A Bibliographic Essay
Lucy Shelton Caswell 251-262 Resources for Scholars at The Ohio State University Cartoon Research Library
Michael Rhode Ray Bottorff, Jr. 263-274 The Grand Comics Database (GCD): An Evolving Research Tool
John A. Lent 275-277 The Printed Word
Peter CooganMichael Rhode 278-282 Book Reviews
Michael Rhode 283-288 Exhibition Reviews
Gene Kannenberg, Jr. 289-291 Critical Closure
292-302 Portfolio


Vol. 3, No. 2, Fall 2001
[Latin American Comic Art: A Symposim]
John A. Lent 1-22 An Historical and Contemporary Overview
Andres Accorsi 23-43 Argentine Comics
Jeff Williams 44-55 Argentine Comics Today: A Foreigner's Perspective
Ana Merino 56-69 Oesterheld, the Literary Voice of Argentine Comics
Waldomiro C. S. Vergueiro 70-78 Brazilian Pornographic Comics: A View on the Eroticism of a Latin American Culture in the Work of Artist Carlos Zefiro
Perucho Mejia G. 79-82 Comic Art in Colombia: a Short Historical Journey
Dario Mogno 83-105 Parallel Lives: Comics and Animated Cartoons in Cuba From Beginning to Present
Caridad Blanco de la Cruz 106-115 Ares: An Undomesticated Humorist
Daniel Puch 116-126 Cartooning in Uruguay: Not Yet the White Flag
Gisel Gil-Egui 127-137 Venezuela's Alonso and the Art of leaving It All to Art
Beatrice Marechal 138-150 "The Singular Stories of the Terashima Neighborhood": A Japanese Autobiographical Comic
Fusami Ogi 151-161 Beyond Shoujo, Blending Gender:Subverting the Homogendered World in Shoujo Manga (Japanese Comics for Girls)
Nhu-Hoa Nguyen 162-174 The Rhetoric of Parody in Claire Bretecher's Le Destin de Monique
Philippe Sohet 175-188 Figures and Representation of the Fantastic in Andreas's Work
Kerry Soper 189-201 Gentrifying the Alternatives or Alternifying the Mainstream? Consolidation, Incorporation, and the State of Comic Strip Satire in Alternative Weeklies, 1985-2000
Bart Beaty 202-221 Fredric Wertham Faces His Critics: Contextualizing the Postwar Comics Debate
Patricia Watson ShariffHilary Janks 222-238 Changing Stories: The Making and Analysis of a Critical Literacy Romance Comic
Mel Gibson 239-249 "Wham! Bam! The X-Men Are Here":The British Broadsheet Press and the X-Men Film and Comic
Mark David Nevins 250-294 "New Voices in Comics III" (ICAF 2000)
M. Thomas Inge 295-328 Comic Books, A Bibliographic Essay
John A. Lent 329-331 The Printed Word
David Berona 332-334 Book Review
Michael Rhode 335 Exhibition Review
Gene Kannenberg, Jr. 336-337 Critical Closure
338-343 Portfolio


Vol. 4, No. 1, Spring 2002
John A. Lent 1-4 Editor's Note
[There at the Beginning: Early Days of Comics Scholarship]
John A. Lent 5 Introduction
Maurice Horn 6-22 How It All Began, or Present at the Creation
Alvaro de Moya 23-25 Pioneering in Brazilian Quadrinhos, as a Cartoonist and Researcher
Giulio C. Cuccolini 26-39 In Search of Lost Time or Time Regained
Arthur Asa Berger 40-47 Is This the Kind of Thing That Serious Academics Do?
Wolfgang J. Fuchs 48-59 The Story of an "Anatomy" That Gave Recognition to Comics as a Mass Medium
Will Eisner 60-63 Comics and Electronics
Martin Barker 64-77 Kicked into the Gutters: or, "My Dad Doesn't Read Comics, He Studies Them."
Trina Robbins 78-83 How I Became a Herstorian
John A. Lent 84-96 Almost Left at the Gate: An Arrhythmic Career in Comics Scholarship
David Ehrlich 97-133 Growing up with Dinosaurs: An Interview with Steve Bissette
Randy Duncan 134-142 The Weaver's Art: An Examination of Comic Book "Writing"
Jeffrey A. Miller 143-150 Comics Narrative as Striptease
Trina Robbins 151-162 No Man Is My Master: American Romance Comics of the 1970s and the Women's Liberation Movement
K. A. Laity 163-169 Construction of a "Female Hero": Iconography in Les aventures extraordinaires d'Adele Blanc-Sed
John A. Lent 170-204 New Zealand -- Exporter of Mainstream Cartoonists, Haven for Alternative Comics
Fabrice Leroy 205-217 Absent-Mindness, Mustaches, and the Cold War: The Image of Science in Herge's Professor Calculus and Franquin's Count of Champignac
Oleg Dergachov 218-227 Rosta Windows: As a Phenomenon of Russian Revolutionary Comic Strips
Stanford W. Carpenter 228-238 Alex Simmons and the African-American Soldier of Fortune Known as Blackjack: A Case Study in Independent Comic Book Publishing
Brian Cremins 239-247 "Why have you allowed me to see you without your mask?": Captain America #133 and the Great American (Protest) Novel
Nadilson Manoel da Silva 248-268 Viz Comic: Carnival and Commercialization
A. David Lewis 269-300 Kingdom Code
John A. Lent 301-304 The Printed Word
David BeronaRocco Versaci 305-309 Book Reviews
Micheal Rhode 310 Exhibition Reviews
Gene Kannenberg, Jr. 311-312 Critical Closure
313-322 Portfolio


Vol. 4, No. 2, Fall 2002
Mark David Nevins 1-52 "Drawing from Life": An Interview with Joe Sacco
Micheline Maupoint 53-69 Plantu: The Editorial in Caricatures: An Analysis of the Role and the Impact of Plantu's Political Cartoons in the French Daily Newspaper, Le Monde
Hector D. Fernandez L'Hoeste 70-83 Resurrecting the Nation Through the Eyes of a Native: The Case of Turey el Taino
John A. Lent 84-123 Fear [of] and Loafing [with] Ralph Steadman in Turkey
Natsu Onoda 124-138 Drag Prince in Spotlight: Theatrical Cross-Dressing in Osamu Tezuka's Early Shojo Manga
Rik Sanders 139-156 The Changing of Dutch Comics: Some Pluses and Minuses
Waldomiro VergueiroLucimar Ribeiro Mutarelli 157-167 Forging a Sustainable Comics Industry: A Case Study on Graphic Novels as a Viable Format for Developing Countries, Based on the Work of a Brazilian Artist
William H. Foster III 168-185 The Image of Blacks (African Americans) in Underground Comix: New Liberal Agenda or Same Racist Stereotypes?
Christopher Murray 186-208 Superman vs Imago: Superheroes, Lacan, and Mediated Identity
Reiko Tomii 209-223 Akasegawa Genpei's The Sakura Illustrated: When the Good Old Man Makes a Dead Tree Flower and the Bad Old Man Throws a Fire Bomb
Maurice Horn 224-228 The Lady, or the Dragon?
Richard Ostrom 229-240 Bali's Transition from a Traditional to a Modern Society: Some Op-Art Warnings about the Trade-offs
Michael L. Maynard 241-260 Friendly Fantasies in Japanese Advertising: Persuading Japanese Teens through Cartoonish Art
A. David Lewis 261-275 The Secret, Untold Relationship of Biblical Midrash and Comic Book Retcon
Jae-Woong Kwon 276-286 Korean Cartoonists' Reactions to Bush's "Axis of Evil"
John A. Lent 287-291 Larry Alcala and the Depiction of Filipinos As They Are
Wendy Kail 292-314 Clifford K. Berryman: Drawing The Line
Hong-Chi Shiau 315-326 American Imported Animation in Taiwan: A Case Study of South Park
John A. Lent 327-329 The Printed Word
Marc Singer Charles Hatfield Rocco Versaci Mark Rogers Jeff Williams Michael Rhode A. David Lewis 330-352 Book Reviews
Michael Rhode 353-354 Exhibition Review
Gene Kannenberg, Jr. Michael Rhode 355-358 Critical Closure
359-368 Portfolio


Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 2003
John A. Lent 1-2 Editor's Note
[Pioneers of Comic Art Scholarship Series]
David Kunzle 3-7 Kunzle and the Comic Strip
Sture Hegerfors 8-20 Sture Hegerfors and Swedish Comics Scholarship
M. Thomas Inge 21-30 Portrait of the Professor as a Failed Cartoonist
Ana Merino 31-73 Gary Groth and Kim Thompson: Interviews with the Heart of the Alternative Comics Industry
Fredrik Stromberg 74-94 Swedish Comics and Comics in Sweden
Jigal Beez 95-114 They Are Crazy These Swahili: Komredi Kipepe in the Footsteps of Asterix; Globalization in East African Comics
Nhu-Hoa NguyenPhilippe Sohet 115-133 Social Criticism in a Singular Mode of Expression: The Art of New Realist Cartoonist Chantal Montellier
Allen DouglasFedwa Malti-Douglas 134-146 Tardi and Daeninckx: Comic Strips, Detective Novels, and World War I
Deborah Shamoon 147-160 Focalization and Narrative Voice in the Novels and Comics of Uchida Shungiku
Natsu Onoda 161-194 Tezuka Osamu and the Star System
Brad Prager 195-213 Modernism in the Contemporary Graphic Novel: Chris Ware and the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
M. Thomas Inge 214-219 William Faulkner and the Graphic Novel
Hector D. Fernandez L'Hoeste 220-230 The Mystery of Kaliman, el Hombre Increible: Race and Identity in Mexican Comics
Richard Ostrom 231-243 The changed Function of Political Cartoonists in Indonesia: From Challenging a Repressive Regime to Promoting Democratic Reforms
Kenneth D. Nordin 244-255 The Editorial Comic Art of Clay Bennett
John A. Lent 256-289 Cartooning in malaysia and Singapore: The Same, but Different
Ron Provencher 290-291 Remembering "The Chief," Rejab Had: Cartoonist, Story Teller, Teacher, and Philosopher
Muliyadi Mahamood 292-304 An Overview of malaysian Contemporary Cartoons
Mel Gibson 305-324 "You Can't Read Them, They're for Boys!" British Girls, American Superhero Comics and Identity
Chetan Desai 325-333 The Krishna Conspiracy
Craig Fischer 334-354 Fantastic Fascism? Jack Kirby, Nazi Aesthetics, and Klaus Theweleit's Male Fantasies
Live Action Cartoonists 355-365 Have Markers, Will Travel: Live-Action Cartoonists in the Age of Multimedia Performances and Online Comics
Martha H. Kennedy 366-373 Early Creative Responses to 9-11 by Comic Artists: Panelists Share Personal Experiences
John A. Lent 374-376 The Printed Word
David Kunzle 377-384 Review Essay
David Kunzle Leonard Rifas Marc Singer 385-393 Book Reviews
Bart Beaty Maurice Horn Jennifer Wood Michael Hill Michael Rhode 394-405 Exhibition / Festival Reviews and Report
Gene Kannenberg, Jr. 406-407 Critical Closure
408-426 Portfolio


Vol. 5, No. 2, Fall 2003
John A. Lent i Editor's Note
[Spanish Comics: A Symposim]
Ana Merino 3-4 Introduction
Viviane Alary 5-27 Briefness in Spanish Comics: A Few Landmarks
Manuel Barrero 28-49 The Evolution of Children's Comics in Spain
Jesus Jimenez Varea 50-65 You Can Never Win: An Analysis of Comic Strips by the Spanish Cartoonist Penarroya
Anne Magnussen 66-84 Spanish Comics and Family
Pedro Perez del Solar 85-101 Old Fashions for New Times: El Desencanto in Spanish Comics
Juan Garcia Cerrada 102-109 The Graphic Humor Program of the General Foundation of the University of Alcala
Miguel Alejo 110-118 Chumy Chumez: The Work of Jose Maria Gonzalez Castrillo
Ernesto J. and Gabriel E. Abad 119-137 Cels Pinol: The Comics Fan and The Author
Alvaro Pons 138-153 Between Avant-garde and Commerciality: The Dichotomy of New Alternative Publishing Companies in Spain
Kenneth D. Nordin 154-167 Cartoonist Dick Locher in Retrospect: His Life and Work
Bart Beaty 168-183 The Contemporary Field of European Comics: The Example of Lewis Trondheim
Wai-ming Ng 184-193 Japanese Elements in Hong Kong Comics: History, Art, and Industry
Muliyadi Mahamood 194-204 Japanese Style in Malaysian Comics and Cartoons
[Pioneers of Comic Art Scholarship Series]
Bill Blackbeard 205-215 The Four Color Paper Trail: A Look Back
Fusami Ogi 216-232 Shimizu Isao: A Pioneer in Japanese Comics (Manga) Scholarship
Sol M. Davidson 233-240 Culture &the Comic Strips
Donald Ault 241-260 In the Trenches, Taking the Heat: Confessions of a Comics Professor
Benjamin F. Towle 261-280 An Examination of Historiography in the Comics Medium
Joseph Witek 281-295 Long Form/Short Form: Narrative Strategies of Some 9/11 Comics
A. David Lewis 296-311 One for the Ages: Barbara Gordon and the (Il-)Logic of Comic Book Age-Dating
Tomas Prokupek 312-338 Czech Comics
Brian Cremins 339-350 "I Asked for Water (She Gave Me Gasoline)": Tim Truman's Scout and Social Satire in the Independent Comics of the 1980s
John A. Lent and Xu Ying 351-366 Chinese Women Cartoonists: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Christopher Murray,Joyce A. Walker, andDouglas Webster 367-391 My Mouth Is Quiet, but My Mind Is Noisy: The Work of John Watson
Jason Tondro 392-424 Angel Passage: An Edition Lyris by Alan Moore
Kinko Ito 425-436 Japanese Ladies' Comics as Agents of Socialization: The Lessons They Teach
John A. Lent 437-440 The Printed Word
David Kunzle 441-449 Review Essay
David Berona 450-452 Book Review
Mark David Nevins,Christian Hill,Susannah Mandel,Marc SingerMartha H. Kennedy 453-467 Exhibitions Reviews
Gene Kannenberg, Jr. 468-469 Critical Closure
John A. Lent 470-483 Tootin' Our Own Horn
Jae-Woong Kwon, John A. Lent 484-519 International Journal of Comic Art Index, Volumes 1-5 (1999-2003)
520-526 Portfolio


Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring 2004
Christian Hill 1-17 Narrative Aesthetics of Time and Space in the Comics Series, Broussaille, by Frank and Bom
Clare Tufts 18-36 Vincent Krassousky - Nazi Collaborator or Naive Cartoonist?
Adam Cathcart 37-55 Cruel Resurrection: Chinese Comics and the Korean War
John A. Lent 56-76 India's Amar Chitra Katha: "Fictionalized" History or the Real Story?
Jigal Beez 77-95 Katuni Za Miujuza: Fantastic Comics from East Africa
Levi Obonyo 96-116 Cartoonists in Kenya: Past, Present, and Future
Bert Hansen 117-147 True-Adventure Comic Books and American Popular Culture in the 1940s: An Annotated Research Bibliography of the Medical Heroes
Hector D. Fernandez L'Hoeste 148-162 Vladdo, Aleida, and the Politics of Gender in War-Torn Colombia
Jeffrey F. Taffet 163-190 Selling the Alliance: US Propaganda vs. Chilean Editorial Cartons during the 1960s
David R. Spencer 191-220 The Trojan Horse: Free Trade, the Americans, and Canadian Political Cartoonists, 1849-1879
Marco Tulio Vilela / Waldomiro Vergueiro 221-235 The Brazilian X-Men: How Brazilian Artists Have Created Stories That Stan Lee Does Not Know About
Marc Singer 236-249 Unwrapping The Birth Caul: Word, Performance, and Image in the Comics Text
Masao Yokota 250-265 Satoshi Kon's Transition from Comics to Animation
Jeffrey Miller 266-280 A Response to Kobayashi Yoshinori's On Taiwan
Sueen Noh 281-298 The Gendered Comics Market in Korea: An Overview of Korean Girls' Comics, Soonjung Manhwa
David A. Berona 299-315 Pumping Iron: Male Stereotypes in Delisle's Albert et les Autres
Kent Worcester (Transcribed) 316-328 Words and Pictures in the Classroom: A Symposium
Daiwon Hyun 329-339 Promoting the Digital Content Industry in Korea, Focusing on Exporting Animation
John A. Lent 340-343 The Printed Word
Craig Fisher / Mark C. Rogers / Charles Hatfield / Michael Rhode 344-357 Book Reviews
David A. Berona / Ron Stewart / Michael Rhode / Trina Robbins / Michel Kempeneers 358-367 Exhibition Reviews
Gene Kannenberg, Jr 368-372 Critical Closure
373-379 Portfolio


Vol. 6, No. 2, Fall 2004
Patch Adams, MD 1-29 My Life as a Cartoon Character
Fabio Gadducci 30-77 Notes on the Early Decades of Italian Comic Art
Maurice Horn 78-89 Guido Crepax: A Memorial Tribute
Harlen Makemson 90-117 Private Vice and Public Virture: Political Cartoons as "Opprobrious Discourse" Against Grover Cleveland During the 1884 Presidential Campaign
Karon Reinboth Speckman 118-137 The Bush-Blair Duo Before 2003 Iraqi War: Cartoons from London Newspapers
Leonard Rifas 138-171 Globalizing Comic Books from Below: How Manga Came to America
Matthias Schneider(trans. Annette Gentz) 172-181 Der Fuehrer's Animation -- Animation and Propaganda in the German Reich
Kathrin Bower 182-194 Holocaust Avengers: From "The Master Race" to Magneto
Pascal Lefevre 195-204 The Cold War and Belgian Comics (1945-1991)
Joel E. Vessels 205-221 What Your Children Are Reading
Fabrice Leroy / Livio Belloi 222-237 The Cartoonist as Iconoclast: Flaubertian Irony and Media Parody in Pierre La Police's Comics
Dominique Le Duc 238-253 XX1st Century Graphic Novels: A Voyage with Edmond Baudoin
Marc Weidenbaum 254-265 The Maestro of Belleville: Benoit Charest
Barbara Postema 266-272 Memories That Don't Weaken: Seth and Walter Benjamin
David Ehrlich 273-284 An Interview with Dan Mitsui, Dartmouth College's Graphic Novelist
Edward Portnoy 285-303 Follow My Nose: Self-Caricature in Cartoons of the Yiddish Press
Jose Alaniz 304-324 Supercrip: Disability and the Marvel Silver Age Superhero
Tim Blackmore 325-349 300 AND TWO: Frank Miller and Daniel Ford Interpret Herodotus's Thermopylae Myth
Stephen Rauch 350-363 "We Have All Been Sentenced": Language as Means of Control in Grant Morrison's Invisibles
James Bucky Carter 364-375 "There'll Be Others Converging": Fighting American, The Other, and "Governing" Bodies
Masao Yokota 376-391 A Master Animator: Yasuji Mori's Works for Children
Kinko Ito 392-403 Growing Up Japanese Reading Manga
Vivian Zenari 404-414 Sluts for a Story: Narrative and Comics in Patricia Seaman's New Motor Queen City
Lim Cheng Tju 415-430 Chop Suey -- Cartoons about the Japanese Occupation and National Education in Singapore
Carmen Moran 431-444 Allies Cartoon Humor in World War II: A Comparison of "Willie and Joe" and "Bluey and Curley"
Mark T. Rusch 445-455 The Deranged Episode: Ironic Dissimulation in the Domestic Scenes of Edward Gorey's Short Stories
John A. Lent 456-457 The Printed Word
A. David Lewis / Ana Merino 458-463 Book Reviews
Ivy Garlitz / Roger Sabin / Michael Rhode / Stephen Rauch 464-471 Exhibition Reviews
Gene Kannenberg, Jr. 472-476 Critical Closure
477-483 Portfolio


Vol. 7, No. 1, Spring 2005
John A. Lent 1 Will Eisner (1917-2005), a Friend of Comics Scholarship
[Late/Post-Soviet Russian Komiks: A Symposium]edited by Jose Alaniz
Jose Alaniz 5-21 Introduction or, Why I Call Them Komiks
Vitor Erofeyev (Jose Alaniz) 22-38 Comics and the Comics Disease
Denis Chekalov (Jose Alaniz) 39-55 Comics: The World, If You Blink Slowly
Oleg Semenyuk (Jose Alaniz) 56-63 Comics Art in the USSR: A Short Overview (1917-1985)
Philippe Morin 64-66 Komiks and Russian Youth Culture
Ivan Mitrevski 67-74 Russian Komiks and the Internet "Underground"
(Seth Graham) 75-94 Comics in Education: Are They Useful? A Roundtable prepared by Svetlana Masimova
95-102 Interview: Andrei Snegirov
103-109 Interview: The Tema Studio
Jose Alaniz 110-125 The "Quintessentially Russian" Komiks of Zhora Litichevsky
Margo Bistis 126-148 Bad Art: The Decline of Academic Art in the Caricatural Salon
Brandon W. Bollom &Shawn N. Mckinney 149-179 Alphonse Marie Mucha: Posters, Panels...and Comics Books?
Eric A. Holmes 180-187 Horror, Crime, and Red Dupes: The Agitative Rhetoric of Entertaining Comics
Monica Fontana 188-205 From a Figure on the Left to a Caricature of the Right: Changes in the Public Image of Lula
Hector D. Fernandez L'Hoeste 206-229 Flopi Bach: A Benevolent Misogyny?
Richard De Angelis 230-249 Of Mice and Vermin: Animals as Absent Referent in Art Spiegelman's Maus
Lyombe Eko 250-269 Beasts of No Nation: African Satirical Press "Re-Presentations" of Political Leaders in the Post-Cold War Era
Matthew T. Jones 270-286 Reflexivity in Comic Art
Rob Lendrum 287-303 Queering Super-Manhood: Superhero Masculinity, Camp and Public Relations as a Textual Framework
Hector D. Fernandez L'Hoeste 304-316 How To Face Neoliberalism and Make It as a Mexican Cartoonist: Oscar Gonzalez Loyo and the ka-Boom! Experience
[Asian Animation, Online Cartooning, and Gaming: A Symposium] edited by John A. Lent
John A. Lent 319 Introduction
Jae-Woong Kwon 320-350 New Type of Popular Culture in the Internet Age: An Analysis of the Korean Essay Cartoon
Seungmin Song 351-259 Korean Independent Animation: Its Origin and Meaning
Jia Jia 360-388 Female Subject Animated: A Case Study of Digital Online Animation in Contemporary China
Hu Tze Yue 389-403 Japanese Independent Animation: Fuyu no hi and its Exclusivity
Qi Wang 404-421 Troubled Identities at Borderland -- Fantasy about the Past and the Future in Anime
Juhanita Jiman 422-431 Malaysian Animation Industry: The History, Development, and Collective Efforts To Set Up a Global and Recognizable Animation Standard
Anthony Fung 432-448 Hong Kong as the Asian and Chinese Distributor of Pokemon
Wan-Wen Day 449-461 Being Part of Digital Hollywood: Taiwan's Online Gaming &3D Animation Industry Under the New International Division of Cultural Labor
John A. Lent 462-472 Cartooning in Reunion, with Special Reference to the Work of Serge and Appollo
Anita K. McDaniel 473-484 Dave Sim on Guys
Francisco Tadeo Juan (Dere Petrey) 485-503 The Valencia School: Pioneer of Spanish Comic Strips
Myra Partridge 504-512 Webtoonists: Making a Living Online
Sol M. Davidson 513-529 Games People Play in the Comic Strips
Annalisa Di Liddo 530-545 Transcending Comics: Crossing the Boundaries of the Medium in Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell's Snakes and Ladders
Jake Black 546-552 Flop of Steel: Why "It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Superman" Did Not Fly Over Broadway
John A. Lent 553-556 The Printed Word
Trina RobbinsPatric RosenkranzDavid A. Berona 557-562 Book Reviews
Bart BeatyMichael HillNick ThorelsonMichael Rhode 563-572 Exhibition Reviews
Gene Kannenberg, Jr. 573-577 Critical Closure
578 Portfolio


Vol. 7, No. 2, Fall 2005
[Pioneers of Comic Art Scholarship Series, Part IV]edited by John A. Lent
R. C. Harvey 3-43 It's Not My Fault Confessions of a Comics Junkie. Or, How I Became a Crazed Fanatic About Cartooning, Its History and Lore
John A. Lent 44-46 Armand Mattelart and How To Read Donald Duck
Fusami Ogi 47-67 Katayori Mitsugu: A Pioneer of Manga Studies in Japan Before and After the War
Randall W. Scott 68-77 Beginnings and Landmarks: The Comic Art Collection at the Michigan State University Libraries and My Career
Richard Langlois (Randall W. Scott) 78-88 Pioneer in the Teaching of Bande Dessinee (Comic Art and Narrative) in Canad
John A. Lent and Xu Ying 89-125 Cartooning and China’s “Cultural Revolution”
Louise C. Larsen 126-146 The Flight of the Forehead in the Third Reich: The Political Satire of Hans Bendix
Janusz Kazmierczak 147-163 Raymond Williams and Cartoons: From Churchill’s Cigar to Cultural History
Yamile Regalado Someillan 164-197 Visual Culture and the New Cuban Man: Examining a Core Force of the Cuban Revolution, 1959-1963
Claudia Sanchez and Richard I. Parker 198-224 Cultural Values in Latin American and U.S. Superhero Comics: A Text Analysis
Jerry Robinson 225-235 The Ultimate Fantasy
Neil Cohn 236-248 Un-Defining “Comics”: Separating the Cultural from the Structural in Comics”
Thierry Smolderen 249-261 Thackery and Topffer: The Weimaer Connection
Eric A. Holmes 262-272 Solidification, Hidden Guilts and “The Prude”: EC’s Agitative Rhetoric Continued
Chunhyo Kim and John A. Lent 273-282 The Inside and Outside Worlds of North Korean Animation
Chris Murray 283-310 Noble Enterprises: Strip for Me and the British Small Press
Stephen E. Kercher 311-311 Cartoons as “Weapons of Wit”: Bill Mauldin and Herbert Block Take on America’s Postwar Anti-communist Crusade
Flavio Mario De Alcantara Calazans (Kenzi Tomoa) 321-339 From the “Cricket” (Grilo) to the “Cockroach” (Barata): Visual Poetics in the Brazilian Comics (European BD + Japanese Manga and USA Underground Comix)
Sol M. Davidson 340-357 The Funnies’ Neglected Branch: Special Purpose Comics
Julia Round 358-369 Fragmented Identity: The Superhero Condition
Thomas Alan Holmes 370-374 Warren Ellis’ “Shoot” and Media Passivity
Brian Ruh 375-398 Creating “Amateur” Manga in the US: Pedagogy, Professionalism, and Authenticity
John A. Lent 395-400 The Printed Word
Craig Fischer 401-403 Book Reviews
Steven M. Bergson Marc Weidenbaum Michael Rhode Meisha Rosenberg Ana Merino 404-412 Exhibition Reviews
413 Portfolio


Vol. 8, No. 1, Spring 2006
Noelle P. Bradley 1 Masks That Reveal: Social Inequality in J.-J. Grandville's Les Metamorphoses du Jour (1828-1829)
Leonard Rifas 17 "Especially Dr. Hilde L. Mosse": Wertham's Research Collaborator
Carolyn Wong 45 Learning about My Grandfather
John A. Lent 71 The Richness of African Cartooning: A Secret Far Too Long
Jigal Beez 114 Winners, Cheats, and witches: East African Soccer Cartoons
John A. Lent 137 Life of a Cartoonist in one of Kenya's Worst Slums. Drawing by Rough (Rafael Opany)
Jose Alaniz 145 Caricature and Incarceration: The Case of Slava Sysoev
[Ever-Ending Battle: A Symposuim]edited by A. David Lewis
A.David Lewis 163 Ever-Ending Battle
Edward Brunner 174 Death and the Maiden: Milton Caniff's Pre-War Anti-Elegiac War Elegy
Arnold T. Blumberg 197 "The Night Gwen Stacy Died": The End of Innocence and the "Last Gasp of the Silver Age"
Abraham Kawa 212 The Universe She Died In: The Death and Lives of Gwen Stacy
Jose Alaniz 234 Death and the Superhero: The Silver Age and Beyond
Wilbur Farley 249 "The Disease Resumes Its March to Darkness": The Death of Captain Marvel and the Metastasis of Empire
William Duffy 258 Sing Muse, of the Immortal Hero: Using Epic To Understand Comic Books
Michael Niederhausen 271 Deconstructing Crisis on Infinite Earths: Grant Morrison's Animal Man, JLA: Earth 2, and Flex Mentallo
Nuh-Hoa Nguyen 283 The Rhetoric of Omission in Comic Art
Caitlin E. Pantos 301 La Donna Di Carta Guido Crepax's Valentina and the Dream of Italian Female Emancipation
Hector D. Fernandez L'Hoeste 346 Beyond Just Gender On The World of Maitena Burundarena
Ana Merino Translation by Derek Petrey 362 Variable Identities in the Mexican Comic-Strip: Don Catarino in the Stereotypical Space of the Cannibals
Frank Verano 378 Spectacular Consumption: Visuality, Production, and the Consumption of the Comics Page
Matthew T. Jones 388 Fiend on Film: Edwin S. Porter's Adaptation of Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend
Jeff McLaughlin 412 9-11-01: Truth, Justice and Comic Books
Ryan Holmberg 426 For Your Words, I Shall Rip Out Your Tongue: Shirato Sanpei and the Talking Head of Manga
Chang-de Liu 456 Negative Impact of Digital Technologies on Artists: A Case Study of Taiwanese Cartoonists and Illustrators
Michael van Dyk 466 Turkey's Soprano of Cartooning -- Selma Emiroglu-Aykan
Vicki Karaminas 498 "No Capes!" Uber Fashion and How "Luck Favors the Prepared": Constructing Contemporary Superhero Identities in American Popular Culture
Mark C. Rogers 509 Understanding Production: The Stylistic Impact of Artisan and Industrial Methods
Delphine Carron 518 Paul Auster's City of Glass: From Word to Picture
Nancy Hudson-Rodd and Sundar Ramanathaiyer 532 Cartooning the Iraq War: No Laughing Matter
Cord Scott 546 The "Good" Comics: Ising Comic Books To Teach History
John A. Lent 562 The Printed Word
David A.BeronaHarvey PekarMartha H. KennedyJessica Milner DavisMichael RhodeMarc Singer 567 Book Reviews
Christian HillRon StewartLotta FjelkegardAaron KashtanMartha H. KennedyBarbara PostemaNick ThorkelsonPhilip Sandjfer 579 Exhibition Reviews
John A. Lent 607 The Story Behind the Cartoon
608 Portfolio


Vol. 8, No. 2, Fall 2006
John A. Lent 1 Ediotr's Note
C Hill 6 Marjane Satrapi Interviewed, August 24, 2003
Wood-hung Lee and Yomei Shaw 34 A Textual Comparison of Japanese and Chinese Editions of Manga: Translation as Cultural Hybridization
Marco Pellitteri 56 Manga in Italy History of a Powerful Cultural Hybridization
Ron Stewart 77 An Australian Cartoonist in 19th Century Japan: Frank A. Nankivell and the Beginnings of Modern Japanese Comic Art
Amy Kiste Nyberg 98 Theorizing Comics Journalism
Stephan Packard 113 Reflections of the Cartoon
Michael Rhode 126 Harvey Pekar at the 2005 Small Press Expo
Hector D. Fernandez L'Hoeste 163 On Angels, Drugs, and Trade: Edgar Clement's Operacion Bolivar
Ozge Samanc 181 Lynda Barry's Humor: At the Juncture of Private and Public, Invitation and Dissemination, Childish and Professional
Sol M. Davidson 200 Love Affair with a Unique Medium: Big Little Books
Katrina D. Thompson 228 The Stereotype in Tanzania Comics: Swahili and the Ethnic Other
Kristin L. Matthews 248 The ABCs of Mad Magazine: Reading, Citizenship, and Cold War America
Marc Singer 269 "A Serious House on Serious Earth": Rehabilitating Arkham Asylum
Ed Ross 283 The Representation of Immigrants and Immigration in UK Political Cartoons from 1968 to 2005
Jose Alaniz 307 Speaking the "Truth" of Sex: Moore &Gebbie's Lost Girls
Frank Verano 319 Invisible Spectacles, Invisible Limits: Grant Morrison, Situationist Theory, and Real Unrealities
Clark Farmer 330 Comic Book Color and the Digital Revolution
Fang Cheng 347 What Is Humor?
Racial Identity: A Mini Symposium
Dale Jacobs 363 Ho Che Anderson Interview
Neil Shyminsky 387 Mutant Readers, Reading Mutants: Appropriation, Assimilation, and the X-Men
Matthew Diebler 406 "I;m Not One of Them Anymore": Marvel's X-Men and the Loss of Minority (Racial) Identity
William H. Foster III 414 Do We Still Have To Be Black? Comic Book Creators Discuss Racial Identity
430 Corrections
John A. Lent 432 The Printed Word
Jose AlanizLeonard Rifas 436 Book Reviews
Michael Rhode 445 Exhibition and Media Reviews
Jose AlanizFrancesco CasoloCraig FischerMichael RhodeTrina RobbinsRoger SabinRandall W. ScottNick Thorkelson 447 Exhibition Reviews
John A. Lent 497 The Story Behind the Cartoon(s)
500 Portfolio


Vol. 9, No. 1, Spring 2007
[Kibyoshi: The World's First Comicbook?]edited by Adam L. Kern
Adam L. Kern 3 The Kibyoshi: Japan's Eighteenth-Century Comicbook for Adults
Glynne Walley 33 Kyokutei Bakin's Buy My Candy and I'll Give you a Kite Story
Ivan Grail 61 The Truly Un-Canny Samurai: Classical Literature and Parody in the Kibyoshi
William Fleming 79 The Tao of Kibyoshi: Santo Kyoden's Zhuang-zi: The Licensed Edition
Kristin H. Williams 119 Cerisscrossed Confucianism: Images of Edo as a Virtuous Dystopia
William Burton 135 Fantastic Travel as Utopia or Dystopia in Edo Period Illustrated-Fiction
Akiko Walley With a Translation by Akiko Walley and Glynne Walley 157 Through the Looking-Glass: Reflections on Kibyoshi Illustrations in Kishida Toho's Comicbook Chronicle
Florencia Paula Levin 198 Politics Seen Through the Prism of Humor in the Argentinean Democratic Transition of 1973: Landru and Ian
Kyle D. Wegner 231 Lalo Alcaraz's "La Cucaracha" "Normalizes" chicanos
David R. Spencer 262 The Press and the Spanish American War: Political Cartoons of the Yellow Journalism Age
Jay Casey 281 The Dynamics of Quiet Heroism and Invisible Death In American Soldier Cartoons of the World Wars
Pascal Lefevre 296 The Unresolved Past: Repercussions of World War II in Belgian Comics
Karna Mustaqim 311 Mumbling Our Comics: An Overview of Indonesial Comic Books' Condition
Anne Reef 332 The Art of Darkness: Repression and Its Expression in J. M. Coetzee's Waiting for the Barbarians, Athol Fugard's Tsotsi, and Sue Coe and Holly Metz's How To Commit Suicide in South Africa
Maren Dick 353 Sneaky, Sinister, and Scapegoated: Chinese Immigration and Exclusion as Represented in The Wasp, 1877-1889
[Cartooning in Australia: Asymposium]edited by John A. Lent
John A. Lent 378 Introduction
Vane Lindesay 380 The Rise and Demise of the Australian Comic Strip
Michael Hill 411 The Graphic Expression of the Lives, Obsessions, and objections of Small Press Sick Puppies and Scat(ology) Cats: A Short Survey of Some Aspects of Australian Alternative Comics 1990-2000
Vicki Karaminas 438 Australian Gothic: Black Light Angels, Fashion, and Subcultural Style
Rolf Heimann 453 Ned Kelly -- Australian Cartoonists' Favorite Idiom
Lindsay Foyle 460 An Essay: The Life and Death of the Larrikin Image
Roman Rosenbaum 468 Australia and Symbolic Representation in the "Cartoon Controversy"
Barbara Postema 487 Draw a Thousand Words: Signification and Narration in Comics Images
Dale Jacobs 502 Beyond Visual Rhetoric: Multimodal Rhetoric and Newspaper Comic Strips
Massimo REpetti 515 African "Ligne Claire": The Comics of Francophone Africa
Jigal Beez 542 The Swahili Titanic: The Tanzanian Appropriation of a Global Tragedy
Edward Whatley 554 "In the Crooked Shadows of Wildwood Cemetery": Will Eisner's The Spirit and the Gothic Tradition
Robert S. Petersen 578 The Acoustics of Manga: Narrative Erotics and the Visual Presence of Sound
Roman Rosenbaum 591 Motomiya Hiroshi's The Conuntry Is Burning
Anna Notaro 610 "Innocence Is Life": Searching for the Post-Human Soul in Ghost in the Shell 2
Domingos Isabelinho 625 Matt Marriott: The Western with a Human Face
Alfonz Lengyel 640 Liao Bingxiong (1915-2006)
Fang Cheng 644 Long Live, Brother Bing!
Liao Bingxiong Translated by Xu ying 647 Speaking Out on Going To Make a Will
John A. LentXu Ying 650 Liao Bingxiong: "A Chinese Style Man with Universal Values"
Vesna Dovnikovic 668 Croatian Animation Today
Borivoj Dovnikovic Bordo 672 My Work in Animation
Michael J. Lecker 679 "Why Can't I Be Just Like Everyone Else?": A Queer Reading of the X-Men
Anita K. Mcdaniel 688 Negotiating Life Spaces: Has Marriage Marginalized Storm?
John A. Lent 703 The Printed Word
Michael Rhode 707 Book ReviewsJohn A. Lent's Comic Art Bibliographies: An Appreciation
K.A. Laity 710 Moomin Book One: The Complete Tove jansson
Michael Rhode 712 Exhibition Reviews
Michael Rhode 715 Enduring Outrage: Editorial Cartoons by Herblock and Cartoon America: Highlights from the Art Wood Collection of Cartoon and Caricature
A. David Lewis 722 Black and White and Read All Over: Comic Art and Artists
Pascal Lefevre 723 Le Monde de Franquin
Michael Rhode 726 Simplicissimus and the Empire 1896-1914
Trina Robbins 729 The Rejection Collection: Not in the New Yorker Cartoons
Craig FischerMichael Rhode 730 Masters of American Cartoons -- Two Reviews
Michael Rhode 738 Superheores: Good and Evil in American Comics
Jenny Robb 740 Resources: An Updating The ohio State University Cartoon Research Library Turns 30
Randall W.Scott 743 comic Art Collection at Michigan State University Libraries 2006 Report
John A. Lent 745 The Story Behind the Cartoon(s)
Cartoons byGodfrey Mwampembwafan LintaoWinfried BesslichMohamed HakemEsmail EffatXu PengfeiHabib HaddadMassoud Shojai Tabatabei,Jozef SchekRolf HeimannQi Jianhua 748 Portfolio


Vol. 9, No. 2, Fall 2007
John A. Lent 1 Editor's Note
[Gallery Comics: A Symposium]edited by C Hill
C Hill 6 Gallery Comics: The Beginnings
Joanna Roche 13 Gallery Comics: Contemporary Contexts
Andrei Molotiu 24 Permanent Ink: Comic Book and Comic Strip Original Art as Aesthetic Object
Mark Staff Brandl 43 Panels, Covers, and Viewers: My Mongrels of Painting, Installation, and Comics
Maurice Horn 58 Comics and Cinema: The Beginnings (1896-1913)
Mark K. McKinney 68 Georges Remi's Legacy: Between Half-Hidden History, Modern Myth, and Mass Marketing
Adam Rosenblatt 81 The Making and Remaking of El Eternauta
Roberto Elisio dos Santos 93 Humor Comics in Brazil: A Study of the Production of the Circo Editorial
Rodrigo Baeza 118 Obituary Roberto Fontanarrosa (1944-2007)
Interview with Nicoletta Fagiolo 121 Zapiro's Weapons of Mass Destruction
[Egyptian Cartooning: A Symposium]edited by John A. Lent
John A. Lent 140 Egyptian Cartooning: An Overview
Rania M.R. Saleh 187 Political Cartoons in Egypt
Abdelghani Jbara with John A. Lent 226 Using Comics in Development in the Arab World: Prospects and Impediments
Mohamed Hamdy Hamed Ahmed 243 Sarcasm in the View of the Ancient Egyptian
Jon C. Gordon 248 John Miller Baer: congressman-Cartoonist
Ann Miller 258 Postcolonial Identities
Woody Woodis 275 Caricature in French Political Cartoons
Scott R. Schoner 288 A Survey of Doughboy Humor in World War I
Julia Round 316 Visual Perspective and Narrative Voice in Comics: Redegining Literary Terminology
Martin de la Iglesia 330 An Essay Geographical Classification in Comics
Christophe L. Dony 340 Trauma, Identity and Memory: The Individual/Collective Dialectic in 9/11-related Comics
Matthew T. Jones 373 Construction of Social Memory through Strategies of Reflexivity: A Case Study in Three Texts by Art Spiegelman
Meisha Rosenberg 396 Multimodality in Phoebe Gloeckner's Diary of a Teenage Girl
Randall W. Scott 413 European Western Comics: A Kind of Round-Up
Marco Pellitteri 425 Pornography and Sinaesthesia in Manga: Multi-sensorial Reception of Eros in Japanese Comics
Herbeth L. Fondevilla 441 Contemplating the Identity of Manga in the Philippines
Sueen Noh 454 "To Be or Not to Be, That Is the Question": What Is Happening with Korean Comics, (Manhwa), Today?
Fang Cheng 478 Fang Cheng's Theories on Humor and Cartooning
David Beard with Katelyn Hoa Vo Thi-Beard 511 Silver Age in Hidden Places: The Other Orgin of Brainiac
John A. Lent 518 The Printed Word
Sol M. DavidsonPascal LefevrePhillip TroutmanDavid A. BeronaMatthew J. SmithJohn A. LentGert Meesters 525 Book Reviews
Vanessa Rane 551 Review Essay
Michael RhodeK.A. LaityRichard GrahamClare PitkethlyPhillip TroutmanDavid RobertsonMartha H. KennedyMichael HillMeisha RosenbergJose AlanizMatthias WivelVanessa RaneyRon Stewart 561 Exhibition and Media Reviews
632 Letters
635 Resources
637 Correction
638 Portfolio


Vol. 10, No. 1, Spring 2008
[Biff! Bam!! Crikey!!!]A Comics Conference In Scotland, 2007Compiled and edited by Christopher Murrary
Christopher Murray 3 Introduction
Section 1: Gazooks! Comics in Scotland
Matthew Jarron 9 1.1 Before The Beano -- The Prehistory of Dundee Comics
John ChalmersSandra Marrs 18 1.2 Meeting with metaphrog
Section 2: Wizard! Moore, Morrison, and Superhero Comics
Julia Round 24 2.1 London's Calling: Alternate Worlds and the city as Superhero in Contemporary British-American Comics
Shaum Manning 32 2.2 Language and Fiction in the Creation of Reality in The Invisibles
Section 3: Zoinks! Comics, Politics and Identity
Peter Hughes Jachimiak 39 3.1 " D'You Wanna be In My Gang?": Boys' Comics, Club Membership, and a "Tribal Britain"
Nicole Devarenne 48 3.1 "A Language Heroically Commensurate with His Body": nationalism, Fascism, and the Language of the Superhero Comic
Section 4: Zap! Comics and Other Media
Anna Zanfei 55 4.1 Defining Webcomics and Graphic Novels
Brian Hoyle 62 4.2 Irresponsible Pictures: Questions of Adaptation and Morality in the comic and Film Versions of Road to Perdition
Kevin Corstorphine 68 4.3 Killer7 and Comic Book Aesthetics in Contemporary Video Games
74 Contributors
John A. LentXu Ying 76 Cartooning and Wartime China: Part One -- 1931-1945
Adam Cathcart 140 Atrocities, Insults, and "Jeep Girls": Depictions of the U.S. Military in China, 1945-1949
Todd S. Munson 155 Dangerous! China and Xenophobic Comics in Contemporary Japan
Helen Yu-Rivera 174 Drawing the Line Between Racism and Political Correctness: Filipino Editorial Cartoonists Reconsider the Japanese
Ryan Holmberg 200 Let We Go: An Interview with Hiroki Otsuka
Joseph Witek 218 American Comics Criticism and the Problem of Dual Address
Robert S. Petersen 226 Metamorphosis of the Phylactery: changes in Emanata from the Medieval Times through the 18th Century
orion ussner Kidder 248 Show and Tell: Notes Towards a Theory of Metacomics
Benjamin Woo 268 EssayAn Age- Old Problem: problematics of Comic Book Historiography
Pedro Perez del Solar 280 "A Fuhrer's Day": Comics and Politics of Memory in 1980s Spain
Hector Fernandez L'Hoeste 298 Amid nation and Empire: Puerto Rico's El Antillano and Its Interactive Cuadernos
Mike Kelly 313 Ary Spiegelman and His Circle: new York City Comix and the Downtown Scene
Luc D. Guglielmi 340 The Fantastic in the Work of jean-Claude Servais
John A. Lent 352 Cartooning, Public Crises, and Conscientization: Aglobal Perspective
Matthew Blake 387 Political and Promotional Conceptions in Woody Guthrie's People's World Cartoons
Jose Alaniz 407 "Rutting in Free-Fall": Moore and Bissette/Zulli's "Act of Faith"
Janis :. Edward 120 Visualizing the Face of Domestic Terrorism in Editorial Cartoons: Transforming a Stereotype
Lindsay Foyle 433 Essay Australian Politics and "Cartoon Bias"
Hamish Ironside 438 Alan Guppy and "Stone de Croze"
Louis Gordon 452 EssayJewish Graphic Gangster
Joseph J. Darowski 461 It's A bid, It's a Plane, it's ... Synthesis: Superman, Clark Kent, and Hegel's Dialectic
R. J. Gregov 471 The Re-illustration of Comic Book Heroes
Muhammed Shahriar Haque 482 "Kee's World": Reflections of Evolving Identity
Luiu Hong YingTang Min 513 Finance Cartoons: A Way of Reviving Chinese Press Cartoons
Peter Walton 522 The "Archaic Mother" in Charles Burns' Black Hole: A Psychoanalytic Reading
Eileen Akin 535 Resource My Beloved Cartoonists: original Cartoon Art from Fred Waring's America
Zheng Huagai 543 He Was Such a Kind Person -- Eulogistic Comments on Chinese Cartoonist Wang Fuyang, 1935-2008
John A LentXu Ying 553 Editors' Remembrances of Wang Fuyang
John A. Lent 554 The Printed Word
David A. BeronaJohn A. LentMarc SingerJeff GeersMatthew J. SmithSteven M. Bergson 559 Book Reviews
Michael RhodeTrina RobbinsJose AlanizBobby Kuechenmeister 580 Exhibition Reviews
592 Letters
593 Portfolio


Vol. 10, No. 2, Spring 2008
John A. Lent 1 Celebrating 10 Years of Continuous Publication: Taking Stock
[Women and Cartooning: A Global Symposium] edited by John A. Lent
John A. Lent 6 Introduction
Marlene Pohle 10 17 Women Cartoonists + One
Vicki Karaminas 33 "There's a Bug in My Ink Bottle":The Graphic Art of Australian Women -- Greenberg, Graber, and Ord
Martha H. Kennedy 45 A Self-Selected Sisterhood: Women Cartoonists Represented in the Library of Congress Collections
Ana Merino 70 Feminine Territoriality: Reflections on the Impact of the Underground and Post-Underground
Trina Robbins 89 Wonder Woman: Queer Appeal
Trina Robbins 95 Here Are the Great Women Comics Artists of the United States!
Jill S. Katz 101 Women and Mainstream Comic Books
Fusami Ogi 148 Shojo Manga(Japanese Comics for Girls) in the 1970s' Japan as a Message to Women's Bodies: Interviewing Keiko Takemiya -- A Leading Artist of the Year 24 Flower Group
Fusami Ogi 170 Hana yori dango(Boys over Flowers) as a Trans-National Comics for Girls beyond Japan
Kinko Ito 186 The Touching and the Sensual in Japanese Ladies' Comics: An Interview with Asako Shiomi
Kinko Ito 199 Masako Watanabe: 50 Years of Making Girls’ and Ladies’ Comics in Japan
Sueen Noh 209 Science, Technology, and Women Represented in Korean Sci-Fi Girls' Comics
Raquel Orzuj 235 Female Cartoonists in Uruguay
Nicky Heron Brown 242 Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson, Cartoon Character or Real Life Hero? Correcting Hajdu's The Ten Cent Plague
Lisa Brooten 254 Burmese Political Cartoons and the Transnational Public Sphere in Times of Crisis
Allen Douglas andFedwa Malti-Douglas 282 From the Algerian War to the Armenian Massacres: Memory, Trauma, and Medicine in Petit Polioof Farid Fedwa Malti-Douglas Boudjellal
Asai Motofumi 308 Barefoot Gen, Japan, and I: The Hiroshima Legacy: An Interview with Nakazawa Keiji
Timothy Perper andMartha Cornog 328 " Never Said I Was a Boy": Utena, Arita Forland, and the (Non) Phallic Woman
Roman Rosenbaum 354 Mizuki Shigeru's Pacific War
Luke Arnott 380 BLAM!The Literal Architecture of Sin City
Matthias Schneider 402 un regard moderne
Seetha Srinivasan 416 Publishing on Comics and Comics Culture at University Press of Mississippi
Bi Keguan 421 Why I Research Chinese Cartoon History
Susan Honeyman 437 Transforming Segar's Progressive Everyman into Fleischer's Depression-Era Supersalesman: The Hidden Powers of Popeye's Spinach
Joel T. Terranova 451 Art of Killing -- The Literary Merits of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
Arcadio Esquivel Mayorga 468 Graphic Humor in Costa Rica: A Cartoonist's Experience
Jorge L. Catala Carrasco 495 Costumbrismoand Cubanity in Rafael Fornes
Sol M. Davidson 519 Educational Comics: A Family Tree
Jorge Salgueiro 581 Synesthesia and Onomatopoeia in Graphic Literature
Juan Meneses 598 A Bakhtinian Approach to Two Graphic Novels: The Individual in Art Spiegelman's Mausand Chester Brown's Louis Riel
Gorg Mallia 607 Satirical Cartoons in Malta
Alan Fern 621 An Evening with Jules Feiffer
Frank Hoffmann 627 Some Thoughts on Germany and the Art of the Cartoon
Brian Swafford 632 The Death of Captain America: An Open-ended Allegorical Reading of Marvel Comics' Civil WarStoryline
Cord Scott 649 The Return of the War Comic: A Revival of Military Themes and Characters in Comic Books
Nadilson Manoel da Silva 660 Mauricio de Souza and the Development of the Market For Children in Brazilian Comics: A Turma da Monica (Monica's Gang)
Carolyn Wong 669 Huang Yao and His Cartoon, "Niu Bizi," in China, 1934-1947
Lingling Pan 694 Post-Liberation History of China's Lianhuanhua(Pictorial Books)
John A. Lent andHong-Chi Shiau 718 Seeking Inwards, Looking Outwards: Taiwanese Cartoonists' Quest To Transcend Japanese Influences
Christophe Cassiau-Haurie 737 Comic Books in the Indian Ocean: Between Openness and Isolation
Rania M.R. Saleh 746 What Inflamed the Iraq War? The Perspectives of American Cartoonists
John A. Lent 788 The Printed Word
Louis GorgonMichael Rhode 794 Book Reviews / Review Essay: Isaac Cates
Matt Wuerker
David A. Berona
Michael Rhode
Trina Robbins
Leonard Rifas
Cord Scott
Sean P. Connors
Benjamin Woo
David Robertson
Ofer Berenstein
Jose Alaniz
806 Exhibition Reviews
John A. Lent 862 The Story Behind the Cartoon
Jenny E. Robb 866 International Museum of Cartoon Art To Move to Ohio State Cartoon Research Library
Leonard Rifas 868 Letters


Vol. 11, No.1, Spring 2009

Czech Comics: A Symposium

José Alaniz


Introduction: A Czech Patchwork

Tomáš Prokůk and Renáta Skřebská


Ladislav Vlodek and The Globe

Tomáš Prokůk


Pérák and Spring Heeled Jack: From Prague Avenger to London Ghost and Back Again

Tomáš Pospiszyl


Bohumil Konečný: An Unwilling Comics Artist

Helena Diesning


Kája Saudek: The King of Czech Comics

Martha Kuhlman


Time Machine: Rudiš/Jaromír 99’s Wilson Main Train Station

Lisa Mangum


František Skála, or Deep Into the Enchanted Bohemian Woods




Prtricia Breccia


Remembrances of My Father, Alberto Breccia

Mark David Nevins


High Art at the Drive-In: An Interview with Robert Williams

Valérie Agosta-Ives


Salomon Assus (1950-1919). Humoristic Postcards as a Powerful Visual Medium Transcending Ethnic and Gender Issues in Early 1900s’ French Algeria

David Kunzle


Gary Larson and the World Upside Down

David Robertson


Scotland’s Comics Master, Ian Kennedy: An Interview

Ben Little


Constructing the Reader’s Perspective in V for Vendetta

David R. Spencer


No Laughing Matter: 19th Century Editorial Cartoons and the Business of Race

Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste


From Mexifornia to Newyorktitlan: East vs. West Meets the Mexican Tradition

Waldomiro Vergueiro and Roberto Elísio dos Santos


Crás! Comic Book: Brazilian Comics and the Publishing Industry

Derek Parker Royal


To Be Continued…: Serialization and Its Discontent in the Recent Comics of Gilbert Hernandez

Jigal Beez


Cartoons as Pop Idols: The “Sani Star Search” Contest in Tanzania

William H. Foster III


Langston Hughes’s “Jesse B. Simple” and Ollie Harrington’s “Bootsie”: Cartoons and Stories That Preserve the Voice of the African American Everyman

John A. Lent


Cartooning in Cyprus: Small Is Beautiful

Jason Tondro


Spenser and the Comics Critic

Roy Bearden-White


Closing the Gap: Examining the Invisible Sign in Graphic Narratives

Pauline Uchmanowicz


Graphic Novel Decoded: Towards a Poetics of Comics

Marco Pellitteri


Three Italian Authors Who Know the Formulas of Success: Gnone, Canepa, and Barbucci: From W.I.T.C.H. to Sky Doll, to the Fantasy Novel, and Again to the Monster Allergy Comics

José Alaniz


Masculinity and the Superhero in Post-Soviet Russian Comics

Travis Langley


Freedom versus Security: The Basic Human Dilemma from 9/11 to Marvel’s Civil War

Richard A. Becker


The Crisis of Confidence in Comics Adaptations: Why Comics Are So Rarely Faithfully Adapted to the Big Screen

Robert G. Weiner


Sequential Art and Reality: Yes, Virginia, There is a Spider-Man

John A. Lent


The Printed Word



Book Reviews



Exhibition Reviews



International Journal of Comic Art Index, Volumes 1-10 (1999-2008)





Vol. 11, No.2, Fall 2009

Indian Cartooning Symposium Edited by John A. Lent

John A. Lent


An Illustrated History of Indian Political Cartooning

Karline McLain


Vivalok Comics: Celebrating All That Is Small in India

Gokul T. G.


G. Aravindan’s “Small Men and the Big World”: Re-Defining the “Comic” in the Strip

Shevlin Sebastian


Making People Laugh: Toms and K. J. Yesudasan, Premier Cartoonists in Kerala, India




Rodosław Bolałek


The Most Popular Polish Comics (1957-1989)

Paul Cheng


The Smartest Comic on Earth: Metafiction in Chris Ware’s Acme Novelty Library #16

Clodualdo del Mundo, Jr.


Lessons My Father Taught Me about Komiks

Marla Harris


“Sex and the City”: The Graphic Novel Series Aya as West African Comedy of Manners

Bram Draper


Sandino and Other Superheroes: The Function of Comic Books in Revolutionary Nicaragua

Julie A. Davis


Both Everyman and Other: “Dilbert” as an Exemplar of Newspaper Comics’ Simultaneous Identification and Distance

John A. Lent and Xu Ying


Chronicler of Most of a Century: Cartoonist Ding Cong (1916-2009)

Gregory N. Daugherty


“The Greatest Story Every Drawn!” Cleopatra in American Comics

Jean-Marie Bertin


Press Cartoons in France: A Short History

Joel Vessels


Vive la France, Now Who Are We? Bande Dessinée, the 16 July 1949 Law, and the Political Re-imagining of Post-World War II France

Kim Munson


Beyond High and Low: How Comics and Museums Learned to Co-exist

Patti Luedecke


Affect and the Body in Melville’s “Bartleby” and Jillian Tamakin and Mariko Tamaki’s Skim



Working Around Words: Rauf talishinsky’s Azerbaijani Web Cartoons

Benjamin Stevens


Drawn to Distraction: Comics Reading in Kevin Huizenga’s “Lost and Found”

Gêisa Fernandes D’Oliveira


From Bumpkin to Belssed – Comics and National Identity: A Brazilian Case Study

Jeff McLaughlin


Comic Book Artists and Writers and Philosophers

Charles Natoli


The Spirit Passes: The Second Coming of the Comic Strip’s Golden Age

Isaac Cates


“How to Draw Thinking” Panel, Small Press Expo, Rockville, MD, Oct. 14, 2006

Murray Lee Eiland


From Cartoon Art to Child Pornography

Connie Lam


Hong Kong Manhua after the Millennium

Maaheen Ahmed


Moebius, Gir, Giraud, Gérard: Self-Visualizations

Jamie Egolf


Political Commentary and Dissent in the Tapestry and the Cartoon Strip

John A. Lent


The Printed Word



Book Reviews



Exhibition and Media Reviews





Vol. 12, No.1, Spring 2010

Biography of Authors

Kees Ribbens


World War II in European Comics: National Representations of Global Conflict in Popular Historical Culture

Warat Karuchit


The Renaissance of Thai Knowledge Cartoons

Peter M. Coogan


From Love to Money: The First Decade of Comics Fandom

John A. Lent and Xu Ying


Workers-Specific Comic Art of China: Worker’s Cartoon Group (Beijing) and Frog Cartoon Group (Qiu County, Hebei)

Maaheen Ahmed


Fallen Angels and Shattered Skies: Rejected Conventions in Yslaire’s Could 99 (XXe Ciel)

Giulio C. Cuccolini


A Two-sided Narration through Words and Images

Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste


Edgar Clément’s “The Sword of God”: On The Practice of Hybridization in Mexican Comics

William Boerman-Cornell


History Is Relatives: Educational Affordances of the Graphic Novel in The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam

Airel Kahn


Between Eros and Thanatos: Death and Desire in the Short Fiction of Koren Shadmi and Rutu Modan

Tony Venezia


Archives, Alan Moore, and the Historio-Graphic Novel

Ana G. Gal


The Social Modes of Heroization and Vilification in Stoker’s Dracula, a Graphic Novel by Roy Thomas and Dick Giordano

Sarita G.


Remembering the Relics: Study of Select Comic Books That Trace the Roots of India’s Cultural Inheritance

Sol M. Davidson


Have Comics, Will Travel: Two Hobbies, One Great Journey

John Otu


Nigerian Cartooning and the Dearth of Female Cartoonists

Geoffrey Moses


“What a Life!” Carl Barks’ Donald Duck as Nervous Modern

Jeremy Stoll


A Domestic Schizophrenia: Gender and Political Cartoons in the Middle East

Robert G. Weiner


Portrayal of Nurses and Marvel Comics’ Night Nurse

A. David Lewis


New Jerusalem Postponed: Revelation and Darnall & Ross’s Uncle Sam

Bob Britten


Picturing Terror: Visual and Verbal Rhetoric in The 9/11 Report Graphic Adaptation

Aaron Clayton


Bloody Hell: Realism in American War Comics

Jessica Kowalik


Miller Misunderstood: Rethinking the Politics of “The Dark Knight”

Andy Smith


The Ephemeral Nature of Everything: A Conversation with Art Spiegelman

Marguerite Imbert


The Spirit of Animation: An Interview with Jules Feiffer

Roman Rosenbaum


Tezuka Osamu: Adolf – Towards a Historio-graphic Novel

Andrew Yang


The Two Japans of “Spirited Away”

Asif Iqbal


Origins and Status of Pakistani Animation

Wai-Ming Ng


The Consumption and Perception of Japanese ACG (Animation-Comic-Game) among Yong People in Hong Kong

John A. Lent


The Printed Word

Derek Parker Royal


Four Recent Guides to Graphic Novels



Book Reviews



Exhibition and Media Reviews





Vol. 12, No.2, Fall 2010

John A. Lent


Editor's Note

Fabrice Leroy


Yves Chaland and Lue Cornillon's Rewriting of Classical Belgian Comics in Captivant: From Graphic Homage to Implicit Criticism

Giancarla Unser-Schutz 25 Exploring the Role of Language in Manga: Text Types, Their Usages, and Their Distributions
Rick Marschall 44 Nurturing the Butterfly: My Life in Comic Art Studies
Derik A. Badman 91 Talking, Thinking, and Seeing in Pictures: Narration, Focalization, and Ocularization in Comics Narratives
Enrique Garcia 112 Coon Imagery in Will Eisner's The Spirit and Yolanda Vargas Dulché's Memín Pinguín and Its Legacy in the Contemporary United States and Mexican Comic Book Industries
Kerry Soper 125 From Jive Crows in “Dumbo” to Bumbazine and “Pogo”: Walt Kelly and the Conflicted Politics Reracinating African American Types in Mid-20th Century Comics
Robert Furlong and Christophe Cassiau-Haurie 150 Comic Books, Politics, and Manipulation: The Case of Repiblik Zanimo, the First Comic Strip and Book in Creole
Grazyna Gajewsk 159 Between History and Memory – Marzi: Children Should Be Seen and Not Heard Marzena Sowa and Sylvain Savoia
Matthew M. Chew and Lu Chen 171 Media Institutional Contexts of the Emergence and Development of Xinmanhua in China
Jörn Ahrens 192 The Father's Art of Crime: Igort's 5 Is the Perfect Number
Marco Pellitteri 209 Comics Reading and Attitudes of Openness toward the Other: The Italian-Speaking Teenagers' Case in South Tyrol
Iren Ozgur 248 Have You Heard the One about the Islamist Humor Magazine?
Weidan Cao 251 The Mountains and the Moon, the Willows and the Swallows: A Hybrid Semiotic Analysis of Feng Zikai’s “New Paintings for Old Poems”
Candida Rifkind 268 A Stranger in an Strange Land? Guy Delisle Redraws the Travelogue
Daniel Stein 291 The Long Shadow of Wilhelm Busch: “Max & Moritz” and German Comics
Hannah Miodrag 309 Fragmented Text: The Spatial Arrangement of Words in Comics
Christopher Eklund 328 Toward an Ethicoaesthetics of Comics: A Critical Manifesto
Muliyadi Mahamood 336 The Malaysian Humor Magazine Gila-Gila: An Appreciation
Roy Bearden-White 354 Inheriting Trauma in Chris Ware's Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth
Philippe Gauthier 367 On “Institutionalization”: From Cinema to Comics
Marc A. Londo 376 Mr. Tap and His African-American Cartoons of the 1940s/1950s
Marcia R. Ristaino 395 Two Linked by Another, Ding Cong: Interviews with Betty McIntosh and Shen Jun
Shelley Drake Hawks 402 Ding Cong’s “True Story of Ah Q” in Art and Life
John A. Lent and Xu Ying 425 Fengjing – The Town That Claimed Ding Cong
Phillip Troutman 432 The Discourse of Comics Scholarship: A Rhetorical Analysis of Research Article Introductions
Ross Murray 445 Referencing Comics: A Comprehensive Citation Guide
Sylvain Rheault 459 Curvy Alterations in “Gaston” by Franquin
Miriam Peña-Pimentel 469 Baroque Features in Japanese Hentai
Yuko Nakamura 487 What Does the “Sky” Say? – Distinctive Characteristics of Manga and What the Sky Represents in It
B.S. Jamuna 509 Strategic Positioning and Re-presentations of Women in Indian Comics
Meena Ahmed 525 Exploring the Dimensions of Political Cartoons: A Case Study of Pakistan
Camila Figueiredo 543 Tunes Across Media: The Intermedial Transposition of Music in Watchmen
Rania M. R. Saleh 552 Making History Come Alive Through Political Cartoons
Bill Kartalopoulos 565 Taking and Making Liberties: Narratives of Comics History
Toni Masdiono 577 An Indonesian Bid for the First Graphic Novel
John A. Lent 581 In Remembrance of Five Major Comic Art Personalities
Perucho Mejia Garcia 588 Ismael Roldan Torres (1964-2009) of Colombia: A Memorial Tribute
Zheng Huagai 598 Tributes to Two Famous, Anti-Japanese War Cartoonists: Zhang Ding and Te Wei
John A. Lent 614 The Printed Word
  620 Book Reviews
  644 Exhibition and Media Reviews
  696 Correction
  697 Portfolio


Vol. 13, No.1, Spring 2011

John Weeks


Economics and Comics: Khmer Popular Culture in Changing Times

John Marston 32 Im Sokha and Cambodian Satirical Cartoons
John A. Lent 59 Uth Roeun, the “First” Cambodian Comic Book Author: An Interview
Chi Do Huu 62 Comic Art in Vietnam: A Brief History
Dean Wilson 87

Vietnam: Animation Is Everywhere

Masashi Ichiki 109 Embracing the Victimhood: A History of A-bomb Manga in Japan
Mark McKinney 127 Redrawing the Franco-Algerian Affrontier in Là-bas
Konstantinos Tzikas 153

Dissecting the Antiheroine: The Sexual Trangressions and Transfigurations of the Morally Ambiguous Heroine in Comics

Rachel Marie-Crane Williams 176

The Cartoons of Norman Ethre Jennett and the North Carolina Election of 1898

Jorge L. Catalá Carrasco           208

Cuban Humor Magazines and Comics during the Special Period

José Alaniz 235

“Serious” Comics Adaptations of the Classics in the Late Soviet Era: Askol’d Akishin’s A Chronicle of Military Actions

Brian Cremins 249 Depersonalization, Mysticism, and Mourning in John Porcellino's Perfect Example and Carrie McNinch's You Don't Get There from Here
Foo Tee-Tuan 275 Reading Hong Kong Comics in the Heartlands of Singapore
Richard Scully 291 Sex, Art, and the Victorian Cartoonist: Matthew Somerville Morgan in Victorian Britain and America
David Schilter and Zane Zajančkauska 326

Latvian Komiksi

Joseph L. V. Donica 340

“They Are Trying To Kill Us All”: The Ethics of Urban Space in Post-Disaster Graphic Narrative

Mark McLelland 348 Thought Policing or Protection of Youth? Debate in Japan over the “Non-Existent Youth Bill”
Paweł Timofiejuk and Łukasz Szostak 368 Polish Comics as Instruments of Propaganda
Kinga Kuczyńska 385

Polish Comics – A World Without Women?

Kevin Patrick 398 The Invisible Medium: Comics Studies in Australia
Josh Benton 411 Divine Sparks: Magic and the Self in the Work of Alan Moore
Hannah Means-Shannon 426 A Funeral for Achilles: Burying the Heroic Code in Watchmen
David Brame, David Kolin, Peter Chung, and Joyce Nyhof-Young 441 Don’t Forget to Check Your Comics! Developing “Novel” Resources To Educate Young Men about Testicular Cancer
Phil Yeh              458 Using Comics and Graphic Novels for Education to a Global Audience
Tom Gill 474

The Incident at Nishibeta Village: A Classic Manga by Yoshiharu Tsuge from the Garo Years

Daniel Moreira de Sousa Pinna 490

Symphony of the Braves: The First Years of Brazilian Animation

José Alaniz 514 Chris Ware and “Autistic Realism”
Carmina Sanchez-del-Valle 529

DMZ's Dystopic Manhattan: Loving the City, Killing the City

Nicoletta Preziosi 551

The Several Lives of Persepolis in Italy: from the Stores to the Newsstands

Rania M.R. Saleh 558 Has the U.S. Won the Iraq War? The Perspectives of American Cartoonists
Bernadette C. Bravo 581

On Turning Japanese: The Impact of Anime on Philippine Pop Culture

Jon C. Gordon  602 The Cartoons of Kobayashi Kiyochika
Armando Rotondi 617 “Manga Musicals”: Comics and Serialized Theatre
Juhanita Jiman 633 A Study of “Upin & Ipin”: Observing Their Roles in Promoting Positive Values in Children
Jonathan Rikard Brown             644

I Am Robin: The Reader's Gateway into the World of The Dark Knight Returns

Travis Langley and Robin Rosenberg 654

Reflections on the Psychopathy of the Joker: A Comic-Con Panel Report

Joost Pollmann 677 Comics Anthropology
Fabiano Maggioni and Adair Caetano Peruzzolo 685 The Violence Visualized in Cartoons: An Analysis of Plastic Meaning
John A. Lent 701

India's Anant Pai, Cuba's Tomy, and the Philippines' Pablo Gomez: Some Remembrances

Maurice Horn 714 Peirre Couperie: A Memorial
Tim Madigan 716 Remembering Harvey Pekar
John A. Lent 719 The Printed Word

Book Reviews



Exhibition and Media Reviews


Vol. 13, No.2, Fall 2011

Women's Manga beyond Japan:
Contemporary Comics as Cultural Crossroads in Asia
Edited by Fusami Ogi, Tju Lim, Jaqueline Berndt

Fusami Ogi


“Women’s Manga Beyond Japan: Contemporary Comics as Cultural Crossroads in Asia”

John A. Lent 7 Yes, There Are Women Cartoonists: Snippets from Those I Have Interviewed
Fusami Ogi 32 Inspiring Women: 40 Years' Transformation of Shôjo Manga and Women's Voices
CJ (Shige) Suzuki 57 Envisioning Alternative Communities through a Popular Medium: Speculative Imagination in Hagio Moto's Girls' Comics
Ming Hung Alex Tu 75

“Silent Music”: Desiring-machine and Femininity in Some Music-themed Comics

Fujimoto Yukari 87 Historical Shôjo Manga: On Women's Alleged Dislike
Akiko Sugawa-Shimada 103 Functions and Possibilities of Female “Essay Manga”: Resistance, Negotiation, and Pleasure
Kim Hyojin 116

Crossing Double Borders: Korean Female Amateur Comics Artists in the Globalization of Japanese Dojin Culture

Dwinita Larasati 134

So, How Was Your Day? The Emergence of Graphic Diary and Female Artists in Indonesia

Mashima Tojirakarn 143

Why Thai Girls’ Manga Are Not “Shojo Manga”: Japanese Discourse and the Reality of Globalization

Gan Sheuo Hui 164

Manga in Malaysia: An Approach to Its Current Hybridity through the Career of the Shojo Mangaka Kaoru

Angela Moreno Acosta 179 Women “Using Manga to Tell Local Stories”: A Workshop on the ”Glocality” of Manga in Southeast Asia
Lim Cheng Tju 198 Afterwords
Richard Samuel West 200 My Life in Cartoons
Kevin Patrick 219

The Contested Frontier: Western Comics and Australian Identity, 1945-1960

David Spencer 244

Ryan Walker, American Radical: A Date with History from the Bottom Up

Gregory Steirer 263 The State of Comics Scholarship: Comics Studies and Disciplinarity
Hubert Kowalewski 286 “Where the Joke Comes From”: Comical Potential of Comics in the Works of Tadeusz Barannowski
Héctor Fernández L'Hoeste 313

Transnationalism and Hegemony amid a Very Uneven Modernity: On Arandú, El Principe de la Selva, and the Dynamics of the Mexican Comics Industry

Tom Gill 325 Fetuses in the Sewer: A Comparative Study of Classic 1960s Manga Tatsumi Yoshihiro and Tsuge Yoshiharu
Mark McKinney 344 The Colonial Beginnings of Autobiography
Kim Munson 369 Censorship and Super Bodies: The Creative Odyssey of Margaret Harrison
Tom Miller 393 “Those Guys Give Me the Creeps”: Grant Morrison’s Doom Patrol and Satire in the Shared-Narrative Universe
Melissa Olson 417 The Hero and the Apocalypse in Watchmen and Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8

Graphic Narrative and Global Ground:
A Symposium
Edited by Tracy Lassiter, Stefan Buchenberger, Guiherme Pereira with assistance of Lea Pao

Tracy Lassiter 432 Introduction: “Graphic Narrative and Global Ground”
Hiroko Terai 437 Disembodiment of Our Physical Bodies and Embodiment of Urban Space in Oshii Mamoru's Animations
Peter Swirski 448

Freeze-Frame: The Vagaries of Textual Analysis, the Intentions of Art Spiegelman, and the Ascendancy of Nobrow art

Angelo Piepoli 458 Sequential Art between Language and Textuality
Kai Mikkonen 473 The Implicit Narrator in Comics: Transformations of Free Indirect Discourse in Two Graphic Adaptations of Madame Bovary
Tracy Lassiter 488 Metafiction: The Graphic Novel Embedded in Laura Esquivel's Multimedia Novel The Law of Love
Barbara Grüning 499 Narrating the Cities in Comics: The Case of Bologna
Sonja Faessler 518 In Search of New Caledonian Comic Books: The Image of New Caledonian Society, the Growth of Cultural Consciousness, and the Movement towards Citizenship
Guilherme Choovanski 529 Tex, Lone Wolf and Cub, and Preacher: Justice Wanders through Three Countries
Stefan Buchenberger          539

Comic Book Super Villains and the Loss of Humanity

Richard Scully 553

Mr. Punch versus the Kaiser, 1892-1898: Flashpoints of a Complex Relationship

Mark Bryant 579 Vinegar not Vitriol: The Picture-Politics of Sir Francis Carruthers Gould (1844-1925)
Felipe Muanis 599 Between Photography and Drawing: The Documentary Comics as Translation of the City
Todd S. Munson 614

“A Sojourner Amongst Us”: Charles Wirgman and the Japan Punch

Daniel King 627 Visual Transgressions and Queer Representations in Gaiman's A Game of You
John D. Schwetman 642 Sympathetic Geography: Tropes of the Cityscape in Chris Ware's Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth
John A. Lent 659 Reminiscences
Filomena Coching 660

It Is an Honor To Be the Wife of Francisco V. Coching (Dean of Pilipino Illustrators)

Hugo Yonzon III


Hugo C. Yonzon, Jr.

Ayisha Abraham 674

India's Abu Abraham: A Private View

Kinko Ito


Osamu Tezuka: His Life, Works, and Contributions to the History of Modern Japanese Comics

Jon LaCure 700

Sailor Moon and Art Deco

Shayla Monroe


Sex and Power in “Absent Friends”: An Essay

John Baird and Dana Newborn 725

The Effect of Age on Comic Narrative Creation

John A. Lent


The Printed Word


Exhibition and Media Reviews

Lim Cheng Tju


A Response and an Observation


Vol. 14, No.1, Spring 2012

Comic Strips: An International Symposium
edited by John A. Lent

Ediliane de Oliveira Boff 3 Until Death Do Them Apart: Gender Relations in the Brazilian Comic Strip “Radicci”
Michael Freund 17 Funny Papers, Unfunny Wars: A Comparison of Three Armed Conflicts as Depicted in “Doonesbury”
John A. Lent 35 Sanmao and Tokai: Popular Street Urchins of Asian Comic Strips
Sean P. Connors 51 Lessons Learned: Milton Caniff’s “Dickie Dare”
Roy T Cook 66 Schulz, “Peanuts,” and Metafiction
Pedro Pérez del Solar 93 Stories of an Invisible War: Comics and the Peruvian “Internal Conflict” (1980-2000)
Michael Rhode and JTH Connor 112 Graphic Tales of Cancer
Jennifer Babcock 157 Ancient Egyptian ParodicOstraca and “Comics”
Dietrich Grünewald 171 The Picture Story Principle
José  Alaniz 198 “A Groovy, Different Kind of Lay”: Sex, Disability, and Amputee Love
Peter Sandmark 216 Tibetan Mysticism and the Development of Golden Age Superheroes
Kotaro Nakagaki 236 Tibetan Mysticism and the Development of Golden Age Superheroes
Hannah Means-Shannon 251 Strength and the Supernatural: Navigating Liminal Zones in the Herakles Tradition and Alan Moore’s Tom Strong
John A. Lent 267 Reminiscences
Kosei Ono 268 Saseo Ono in His NichiyoHochi Days
Xu Chang (Charles) / Translated by Xu Ying 283 Recalling Ah Da
Wang Yiqian / Translated by Xu Ying 292 Memory of the Past
Sheng Dalong / Translated by Xu Ying 305 Recalling My Father Bit by Bit in His Daily Life
Zhan Yong / Translated by Xu Ying 321 Recalling My Father -- Zhan Tong
He Ting / Translated by Xu Ying 332 Farewell to My Father
Bill Schulte 339 The Man Without Fear, a Time of Fear:A Review of Countercultural Themes in the First 100 Issues of Daredevil
Jose Alaniz 360 “What Can We Ever Have to Fear From a Blind Man?!!” or Spoiled (Secret) Identities: Disability, Daredevil and Passing
Amna Ashraf and Naveed Iqbal Chaudhry 376 Journalistic Comic Art of Pakistan: Coverage of the Kerry Lugar Bill 2009

Roberto Elísio dos Santos and
Waldomiro Vergueiro

391 The Comic Book in Brazil: The Consolidation of a Publishing Format
Lucia Cedeira Serantes 407 Comics in the Life of the Young Adult Reader: Understanding the Experience of Reading Comics in Contemporary Society
Jose Alaniz 419 Tomáš Kučerovský Interview
Gerson Luís Pomari 432 Lost in Translation --The Translations of Wilhelm Busch’s Illustrated Stories in Brazil
Justin Raymond 463 “I Love the Mayhem More Than the Love: Homosocial Masculinity in Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos
Arlen Schumer 474 The Auteur Theory of Comics
Barry Pearl 485 Jack Kirby Makes an Auteur Detour
John A. Lent and Xu Ying 492 Quan Yingsheng and the Blending of Traditional Chinese Painting with Comic Books
Leslie J. Anderson 507

Myth and the Superhero: Personal Choice in Batman, Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth

Kawamoto Kihachiro
Translated by Hiroko Takada Amick and Linda C. Ehrlich

525 A Puppet´s Life
Cord Scott 530 The Battles of Herbie, Willie and Joe: The Depiction of the Allied Soldier in World War II through Comic Illustration
Richard Iadonisi 543 “A Man Has Risen”: Hard Bodies, Reaganism, and The Dark Knight Returns
Lim Cheng Tju 554 An Interview with Malaysia’s Political Cartoonist Zunar
John A. Lent 562 The Printed Word
Review and interview by Pedro Moura 566

La composition de la bandedessinée.
Renaud Chavanne (PLG: Montrouge 2010)

  595 Book Reviews
  604 Exhibition and Media Reviews
John A. Lent and Xu Ying 623 He Wei (1934-2012)
  626 Portfolio


Vol. 14, No.2, Fall 2012
Brannon Costello 1 The Futurama Isn’t What it Used to Be: Embodiment and the “Real Thing” in Howard Chaykin’s Time
Michael Dean 23 A Path Through Time: A Close Reading of Jim Steranko’s “At the Stroke of Midnight”
Daniel L. Werneck 58 Decoding Laerte: “Minotaur Handbook” and the Politics of Gender
Brittany Tullis 77 Paco Roca’s Arrugas, Miguel Ángel Gallardo’s María y yo, and the Impact of Social Comics in Contemporary Spain
Kent Worcester 90 Making Stories Real and Concrete: An Interview with Nick Thorkelson
Richard Scully 120 Constructing the Colossus: The Origins of Linley Sambourne’s Greatest Punch Cartoon
Kane Anderson 143 V for Occupy: Transmedial Theatricality, V for Vendetta, and the Occupy Movement
Tom Gill 169 “Chiko,” “A View of the Seaside,” and “Mister Ben of the Igloo”: Visual and Verbal Narrative Technique in Three Classic Manga by Yoshiharu Tsuge
Frederick Wright 191 Watching Watchmen: The Reading of Motion Comics
Darren Harris-Fain 200 It Rhymes with Bust: The Failure of the St. John Picture Novels
Boaz N. Adler 214 Illustrative Lives in Spanish: Mexican Comic Books about Scientists as Inspiration for Science Education
Frenchy Lunning 225 The Kyara, the Shôjo, and the Strange Trace
©William McGrath 239 Grace Drayton, a Children’s Illustrator Who Also Portrayed Young Women -- a Biographical Sketch
Kim Munson 264 Revisiting “The Comic Art Show” 
Shannon Lawson 289 The Artifice of Representation: Vestiges of Orientalism in The Rabbi’s Cat
Bryan E. Vizzini 306 Lightning Comics’ Tod Holton, Super Green Beret: American Exceptionalism in Vietnam
N. C. Christopher Couch 314 We Shouldn’t Even Have to Say Comics Deserve Respect:Comparative Perspectives on Teaching Sequential Art
Cara Takakjian 332 Gipi and the Continuation of the Neorealist Tradition in Italian Graphic Novels
Lawrence Rodman 348 The Wolverton Bible and Other Visions
Maggie E. Morris Davis 360 Reframe, Reframe: An Adaptation Study of Benjamin Percy, Danica Novgorodoff, and the Iraq War
Holger Briel 368 The Drawn-Out Diaspora: Manga on the Shores of the Other
Muliyadi Mahamood 385 An Evening with Lat and Malaysian Cartoonists
Su Feng and LuoXiaoyi 393 The Mode of World Animation Education and Development Mechanism
Dan Mazur 419 The Boston Comics Roundtable and the Creating of a Comics Community: A Case Study
John Offerman Sindall 437 Q-Collection Comic Book Preservation Project
Phil Yeh 446 Cartoonists Across America & the World: A New Direction for Our Global Literacy Campaign

Richard Scully

460 Mr. Punch Versus the Kaiser, 1892-1898: Flashpoints of a Complex Relationship, Part II -- Photographing “Wilful Wilhelm”
Kim Ki Hong 464 Gatekeeping the Webtoons: A Study on the Internet-Based Cartoon Culture in Korea
Paul Kelemba (Maddo) 472 Africa’s Hergé Takes A Bow: A Tribute to Frank Odoi (1948-2012)

Thierry Groensteen
Translation by Pedro Moura with Miriam Sampaio

475 A Response to Renaud Chavanne
John A. Lent 477 The Printed Word
  480 Book Reviews
  493 Correction
  494 Portfolio


Vol. 15, No.1, 2013
John A. Lent 1 Editor's Note
Mark McKinney 2 Les mésaventures de M. Bêton by Léonce Petit: Reflexivity and Satire in an Early French Comic Book Inspired by Rodolphe Töpffer
Lara Saguisag 35 The “Secret Tracts” of the Child’s Mind: Theorizing Childhood in Early 20th Century Fantasy Strips
Héctor Fernández L'Hoeste 68 Súper Cholita and Bolivian Comics: In Search of Cultural and Political Hegemony
Ryan Prout 84 Mapping Neuro-diverse Alterity in Social and Sensitive” Comics from Spain
Iwan Gunawan 100 Multiculturalism in Indonesian Comics
Uri Fink 127 Comics in Israel -- A Brief History
Amy Bright 146 Evaluating Text and Image Ratios  in Contemporary Young Adult Literature
Muliyadi Mahamood 163 Pioneers in Comic Art Scholarship Cartoon and Comics Scholarship in Malaysia: A Personal Experience
Scott Hales 197 “Operation Replica?!!”: Captain America in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
Tsugumi Okabe 230 From Sherlock Holmes to “Heisei” Holmes: Counter Orientalism and Post Modern Parody in Gosho Aoyama’s Detective Conan Manga Series
Michael Rhode 251 Ann Telnaes at the 2011 Small Press Expo
Jakob F. Dittmar 270 Comics and History: Myth-making in Nazi references
Keegan Lannon 287 Visualizing Words: The Function of Words in Comics
Muhamad Azhar Abdullah 306 The Development of Malaysia Comic Art
Richard Scully 323 The Lion and the Unicorn -- William Gladstone and Benjamin Disraeli through William Empson's Looking-Glass
Anita K. McDaniel 338 Obama-man: The Fanboy Ideograph for “Hope and Change”
Sebastian Weinert 354 Funny Education? Cartoons and Illustrated Stories as Media of Health Instruction in Weimar Germany
Jeremy Stoll 363 A Creator's History of the Comics Medium in India
Sylvain Rheault 383 Japanese Culture in Franco-Belgian Bande Dessinée
Jon LaCure 395 CLAMP, the Magic Knights, and Art Nouveau
Jade Hidle 408

Remembering in Red and Yellow: History, Memory, and Second-Generation Vietnamese American Identity in GB Tran's VIETNAMERICA

Anna Wiederhold 419 The 9/11 Report: A Graphic Adaptation: Making Meaning in the (Gutter) Spaces between Word, Image, and Ideology
Fauzi Naeim bin Mohamed 435 The Aesthetics of Oppression in Joe Sacco's Footnotes in Gaza
Eric A. Holmes 450 The Horror and Humor of Entertaining Comics
John Baird 456 Evaluating Math Concept Learning Using Comics
John A. Lent 469 The Printed Word
Dale E. Seeds, John A. Lent 472 Book Reviews
Edited by Michael Rhode, David Robertson, Michael Rhode 480 Exhibition and Media Reviews
  489 Portfolio


Vol. 15, No.2, 2013
John A. Lent 1 Fifteen Years of Continuous Publication
Richard Scully 6 A Comic Empire: The Global Expansion of Punch as a Model Publication, 1841-1936
Kent Worcester and Ethan Young 36 Laura Slobe, Jesse Cohen, and the Hidden History of Political Cartooning
Daniela Miranda Loría 55 Painted (Hi)stories: The Subversive Power of Codex and Comics Elements in Codex Espangliensis: From Columbus to the Border Patrol
Marni Stanley 77 Where Do You Draw the (Front) Line:
Women's War Comics from the Middle East
Michael Rhode 94 Richard Thompson Q&A at the 2008 Small Press Expo
Jeremy Stoll 117 Bread and Comics: A History of the Pao Collective
Margareta Wallin Wictorin 145 West African Tellings with Images and Words -- Comics in Senegal
Athanasia Batziou 167 Humoring the Greek Crisis
Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste 185 On Historical Revisionism and the Chilean Experience: The Case of Historia de Chile en cómic
Annabelle Cone 203 The Humorous Erotic in French Post-1968 Bande Dessinée
Leonard Rifas 219 Fredric Wertham: Scientist (?) A Transgeneration Paper in Two Parts
Hend Alawadhi 268 Reclaiming the Narrative:
The 99 and Muslim Superheroes
Chad Barbour 278 Playing Indian and Performing Gender in 1940s and 1950s United States Comics
Alison Mandaville 298 Comics? What Comics?!:
Cartoonists Gia Lapauri and Zaliko Sulakauri in the Republic of Georgia: Interviews and Commentary
Duncan Omanga 323 The September 11th Attacks in Editorial Cartoons in Kenya
Julian Peters 344 Explain Yourself: The Projector (1971) by Martin Vaughn-James and the Reinvention of Narrative
Benjamin Woo 361 How to Think About Comics as Social Objects
Áine Llang Young 373 I See What You Are Saying:
Visual Representations of Comic Sound in Edgar Wright's Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010)
Ryan Holmberg 389 The Eye and the Storm: Speed Lines and Gekiga FX
Bruce Mutard 421 Out of The Gutter and into The Panel:
Comics Closure as Qualia of Art Imitating Life
John A. Lent 430 "Give Me Some Skin," Clay, Fabric: Cartooning the Armella Leung Way
Julia Round 453 Apocatastasis: Redefining Tropes of the Apocalypse in Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean's Signal to Noise
Aswathy Senan 465 Bobanum Molliyum:
The Demon-Children of Kerala Comics
Colin Beineke 485 Comics as Comics:
Comics Studies, Disciplinarity, and the Comics Scholar
Philipp Fidler and Johannes Fehrle 495 "What's Happened to the American Dream?" Transnationalism and Intertexts in Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' Watchmen
Robert Loss 528 Profluent Lingering, Trauma and Subjectivity


Vol. 16, No.1, 2014
Joseph Thomas 1 Guest Editorial
The Books Are Selling Just Fine, Thank You, or Scholarship and the Permissions Problem
John A. Lent 9 Comics Scholarship: Its Delayed Birth, Stunted Growth, and Drive to Maturity
Richard Scully 29 Towards a Global History of the Political Cartoon: Challenges and Opportunities
Brittany Tullis 48 ¿Chica moderna o mujer tradicional? Intersections of Modernity and Tradition in Gabriel Vargas' La Familia Burrón
Jeffery Klaehn 74 Comics Don't Need to Be Literature with a Capital L: An Interview with Leah Moore and John Reppion
Eric A. Holmes 90 Atomic Horror: Entertaining Comics and "One World or None"
Patrick W. Galbraith 125 The Misshitsu Trial: Thinking Obscenity with Japanese Comics
Anna Howell 147 Representation through Anti-Representation: Showing the Unspeakable in Stassen's Déogratias
John A. Lent 163 "You Can't Deny the Uncomfortable Truths": Carol Tyler and Her Frank Autobiographical Comics
Joyce L. Arriola 177 Semiotics of Filipino Komiks-to-Film Adaptation: Decoding Lapu-Lapu (1954)
Pfunzo Sidogi 208 The Emergence of Black Cartoon Animators in South Africa: A Spotlight on the Work of Mdu Ntuli
Aaron A. Cloyd 223 Voices from the Margins: The Place of Wilderness in Watchmen
Ben Whaley 244 Doomed Hybrids: Three Cases of Fatal Mixing in the War Comics of Tezuka Osamu
John A. Lent 258 Allied, Japanese, and Chinese Propaganda Cartoon Leaflets During World War II
Martha H. Kennedy 302 Women Cartoonists and Illustrators Draw Covers for American Magazines: Case Studies from The Library of Congress's Prints & Photographs Division
Maaheen Ahmed 322 The Art of Splicing: Autofiction in Words and Images
Marco R. S. Post 339 R for Reason Gone Rampant? The Intricate Interplay between Madness & Rationality in the Graphic Novel V for Vendetta
Mark Anderson 367 Writing History, Day by Day, From My Point of View: The Philosophy of Sudanese Cartoonist Khalid Albaih
Achim Hescher 384 Classical Categories, Prototypes, and the Graphic Novel
David Hayes 402 "Let's part before we become mushy": Femininity and Female Antagonists in Will Eisner's "The Spirit"
Jimoh, Ganiyu Akinloye 431 I Voted Only for the Head Too: Visual Satire and Democratic Governance in AfricaCLAMP, the Magic Knights, and Art Nouveau
Gary Dufner and Joo Kim 445 Text and Images: Varying Sizes of Word Balloons in Comics
Ryan Prout 458 From Boom to Bubble and Bust: Comical Economics in Aleix Saló's Troika Trilogy


Vol. 16, No.2, Fall/Winter 2014
Terry Mosher, OC1 1 Canadian Political Cartooning
Comic Empires-- Cartoons, Caricature, and Imperialism: A Symposium
Richard Scully 58 Introduction
László Kürti 65 “The Women-flogger, General Hyena”: Images of Julius Jacob von Haynau (1786-1853), Enforcer of Imperial Austria
Annick Pellegrin 91 Nothing New under the Western Sun: The (Necessity and Inevitability of the) Conquest of the Americas in U.K.R.O.N.I.A./ Les Brigades du tempsand Helldorado
John Moores 111 John Leech’s “‘General Février’ Turned Traitor” in the Imperial Imagination
Elena D. Hristova 132 Joe Worker and the Story of Labor: Educating Workers for the Post-World War II Labor Program
Jonathan Guyer 153 Gallows Humor: Political Satire in Sisi’s Egypt
Christina Bearden-White 173 No Middle Ground:  Reexamining Racialized Images in Luke Cage, Hero for Hire
Anri Yasuda 192 Akutagawa Ryûnosuke: Manga Images of a Literary Icon
Roman Rosenbaum 212 Ishinomori Shōtarō: (Re)presenting Japanese Graphic History

Valérie Cools

225 The Impossible Return: Innocence, Childhood and Predestined Love in Manga
Kinko Ito and Paul A. Crutcher 240 Hayao Miyazaki’s Last Animation “The Wind Rises” (2013) and His Message for the Japanese Today
Gorana Tolja 253 Urban Palimpsests of London in Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell’s From Hell (1989-1996)
Wladimir Chávez Vaca 268 When the Aztecs Conquered Europe:Literary Tradition and Criticism of Society in The Art of Smoking Mirror (2012)
Philip Smith 288 A Priest Dressed as a Man of Letters: Gene Luen Yang’s Boxers and Saints and the Legacy of Father Matteo Ricci
Abram Fox 300

The Color and the Shape: Procedural Rhetoric
in Works by David Mazzucchelli and Daniel Clowes

Srdjan Tunić 313

Weird and Wondrous Comics of Aleksa Gajić:
Comics in the Expanded Field (Works 2011-2013)

Richard Scully 332 Accounting for Transformative Moments in the History of the Political Cartoon
Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste 365 On Novel Constructions of Euro-American Heritage in the Americas
Panpan Yang 380 Animating Landscape:Chinese Ink-and-wash Animation, 1960-2013
Michael Rhode 398 Jaime Hernandez Q&A at the Library of Congress’ National Book Festival 2013
Daniel King 413 The Crafting of Queer Domestic Space  in Jaime Hernandez’s Love and Rockets
Tobias A. Mueller 431

Sequential Art and Gerontology --
an Idle Field in Reflecting Images of Age and Aging

Muliyadi Mahamood 452

Issues in Contemporary Malaysian Cartoons

Mike Lloyd 465

Directing the Gaze: Humor in a Cartoon Caption Competition

Hong-Chi Shiau 481

Caught in an Unattainable Dream in the Neoliberal Era: An Interview with Hung De-Lin on the History of Comicsin Taiwan

R. Brad Yarhouse 496

A Relationship Between Harlem Renaissance Painter Jacob Lawrence and Comic Book Structure and Theory

Lawrence Beemer 513

Superhero Comic Book Narrative and Continuity: From Freytag’s Pyramid to The Sierpinski Triangle

Iwan Gunawan 528

Visual Design for the Universe of Wayang Comics

Zeffry Alkatiri 546

Parody Criticism of the Military Regime of the Indonesian New Order in Yogyakarta Underground Comics, 1995–2000

Anna F. Peppard 565

“Big Fun on Monster Island”: Reading the Sexy Superbody in the Marvel Swimsuit Special

Wendy Siuyi Wong 582

Fifty Years of Popularity of Theresa LeeWai-chun and Miss 13-Dot: Changing Identities of Women in Hong Kong

Aiden Ranford 597

Impossible Filmstrips

Philip Smith 608

Leslie Chew and Singapore’s Controversial, Online Political Cartoon

Ayesha Ashfaq,
Adnan Bin Hussein,
Hina Fatima and Fahad Anis


Unveiling the Art of Political Cartooning in Pakistan: A Retrospect

Naveed Iqbal Chaudhry andAmna Ashraf 630

Killing the Killer: Pak-U.S. Relations after Osama Bin Laden: An Analysis of Editorial Cartoons from May-October 2011

Michael Lipiner 646

Super-Perception: Minorities Depicted In Comic Book Filmic Adaptations

John A. Lent 655

The Printed Word

- 659

Book Reviews

Edited by Mike Rhode 674

Exhibition and Media Reviews

Resource 686

Asian Comics Cataloging at Michigan State University


Vol. 17, No.1, Spring/Summer 2015

Neil Cohn
Kent Worcester

1 Visual Language: Neil Cohn and Kent Worcester in Conversation
Hubert Kowalewski 24 From Icono-linguistic Unity to Semiotic Continuity: An Alternative Description of Semiotic Repertoire of Comics
Hannah Miodrag 45 Origins and Definitions: Arguments for a Non-Essentialist Approach
Louise C. Larsen 57 Comic Composition; or When Kierkegaard and Cartoon Art Took to the Streets
Paul Morton 74 The Archive as Comic: Aleksandar Zograf’s “Polovni svet” and Post-Yugoslav Serbia
Msanii Kimani wa Wanjiru 90 Terry Hirst: The Renowned Trailblazer Editorial Cartoonist and Comics Author in Kenya
Kirsten A. McKinney 117 The Waking Life of Winsor McCay: Social Commentary in A Pilgrim’s Progress by Mr. Bunion

Richard Scully
Joshua Santospirito

131 An Australian Comic Breakthrough: Craig San Roque’s The Long Weekend in Alice Springs. Adapted and drawn by Joshua Santospirito
Nick Stember 149 The 19th Oddity of Yunnan: Propaganda and Memory in Li Kunwu and Philippe Ôtié’s Graphic Novel A Chinese Life
Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste 181 Into the Present, by Way of a Non-Existent Past: Breccia, Trillo, and Alvar Mayor

David Allan Duncan

197 Daumier’s Deadline: Expedited Expressiveness and Franco-Belgian Cartooning
Mark McKinney 210 Avant-Garde Abirached
John A. Lent 246 The Self-named “Fool-in-chief”: Cameroon’s Hard-hitting Cartoonist, Nyemb Popoli
Jennifer Anderson Bliss 257 Landscapes of Trauma in Grenier and Austini’s Rwanda 1994
Gorana Tolja 272 Against a “Tradition of the New”: Architectural Criticism in Chip Kidd and Dave Taylor’s Batman: Death by Design (2012)
Michael Rhode 287

Bob Staake: “I don’t like the term cartoonist at all…”

Monika Nowicka
Janusz Kaźmierczak


Leading British Politicians in The Times’ and The Guardian’s Cartoons, 2010-2013

Richard Scully 336 Crossing the Line: Offensive and Controversial Cartoons in the 21st-Century --
“The View from Australia”
Mehedi Haque 358 UNMAD and Bangladeshi Cartooning: A Socio-Cultural Journey with a Bitter Sense of Humor
Michael L. Maynard 367 The Mediated Appeal of Kawaii “Cute” Mascot Characters in Japanese Consumer Culture:
A Case of Kumamon
Muhamad Azhar Abdullah 395 Malay Pendekar: Silat Warrior in the Malaysia Graphic Novel

John A. Lent
Pablo Turnes

405 Oscar Steimberg and the Origins of Comics Studies in Argentina
Elizabeth Nijdam 417

German Comics after Unification: The Politics of Anke Feuchtenberger’s Feminist Aesthetics

Jean-Matthieu Méon 446

Comics Exhibitions in Contemporary France: Diversity and Symbolic Ambivalence

Paulo Ramos 465

The Gradual Nationalization of Comic Strips in Brazilian Newspapers

Michael Rhode 478

Matt Wuerker on the Cartoonists Rights Network International

Jeremy Stoll 483

From Corporate to Collaborative Comics in India

Joost Pollmann 500

Comics and Journalism: Witnessing the World with Pen and Paper

María Victoria Saibene López 505

Bandas Orientales: Una Experiencia de Historieta Histórica Digital en el Marco Del Plan Ceibal

John Baird 517

Comicvoice: Theory and Application

Davey Sams 540

Considering the Perception of Time and Sequential Images in Digital Comics

Marc Wolterbeek 557

Teaching Graphic Novels and Manga at the University

Philip Smith 569

Measuring the Impact of Free Comic Book Day in Singapore

Asuka Yamazaki 583

The Motif of the Wound in Attack on Titan

John A. Lent


Personal Remembrances: Interviews with Seven Recently-Deceased Giants
in Cartooning and Animation

Mrinal Chatterjee
Triambak Sharma


Vins: Chronicler of Life and Times

John A. Lent


The Printed Word

Kirsten Møllegaard
Philip Smith
Andrew Lesk
John A. Lent


Book Reviews

Edited by Michael Rhode
David Robertson
Nick Nguyen
Michael Hill


Exhibition and Media Reviews


Vol. 17, No.2, Fall/Winter 2015
Martin Lund 1 “NY 101” New York City According to Brian Wood

Janis Breckenridge
John Gardner

34 Desert (E)Scapes: Cinematic Visions in Road Story
Motoko Tanaka 49 GANTZ Interpreted from Two Critical Perspectives
Tom Speelman 67 “The Good Duck Artist”: How Carl Barks Changed Comics
Ryan Prout 82 À la recherche du chien perdu: Watch Dogs, Memory, and Mourning in Recuerdos de perrito de mierda (Shitty Little Dog Memories)
Richard Scully 98 The Foundations of the Anglo-American Tradition of Political Satire and Comic Art: The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Dominick Grace 133 An Alternative History of Canadian Cartoonists
Aarnoud Rommens 162 Alberto Breccia: Memoirs of Resistance and the Ethos of Reading
Sean A. Guynes 177 Fatal Attractions: AIDS and American Superhero Comics, 1988-1994
James Yi Guo 217 Conceptualizing the Freedom of the Press in Chinese Political Cartoons
Mike Lloyd 238 Little Princess and the Mayor: Evaluating Cartoons on a Sex Scandal
Levent Gönenç and Levent Cantek 256 A Comment on the Impact of Cartoon Art on Social and Political Events with a Special Reference to the Case of Turkey
Kirsten Møllegaard 275 Chasing the American Dream: Gender, Race, and Identity in American Born Chinese and Shortcomings
Julia Round 295 Revenant Landscapes in The Walking Dead
Jessika O. Griffin 309 “We are the walking dead”: Zombified Spaces, Mobility, and the Potential for Security in Post-9/11 Zombie Comics
John A. Lent 329 The Glimmering Glow of Comic Art Amidst the Blinding Glitter of the United Arab Emirates
Domingos Isabelinho 346 A Comics Studies Pioneer In Portugal: António Dias de Deus
Leonard Rifas 362 “Struggling Independently to Understand the World”: My Career in Comics Scholarship and Creation
Liam Burke 375 The Comic Book Film Adaptation -- A Panel Discussion with Tom Brevoort, Joe Kelly, Michael E. Uslan, and Mark Waid
Amna Ashraf 395 Talibanization in Pakistan -- An Uneasy Subject for Editorial Cartoonists Naveed Iqbal Chaudhry
Luka Hamacher 421 The System Is in The System: Researching the Visualization of Abstract Systems in Peter Kuper’s Graphic Novel The System
John A. Lent 441 A Brief Introduction to Some Iranian Women Cartoonists and Their Works
Danielle Cochran 457 Surface Race Resolution: Race Commodification in Marvel Premiere’s Series Featuring Black Panther
William H. Foster III 478 Images of African Americans in the Golden Age of Comics (1939-1965)
Sourav Chatterjee 492 Batul: The Great Disciplinarian
Matteo Fabbretti 509 The Translation Practices of Manga Scanlators
Kay K. Clopton 530 Manga and Silent Film: Building a Bridge Between Modern Gitaigo, Giongo, and the Benshi

João Batista Freitas Cardoso
Roberto Elísio dos Santos

547 There’s Life in Other Systems: The Comic Character Outside Narratives
Jakob F. Dittmar 561 Sequential Images, the Page, and Narrative Structures
Toni Masdiono and Iwan Zahar 572 Visual Character and Context of Put On (1931-1965): The First Indonesian Comics
Philip Smith 586 Sinann Cheah Interview
Jeffery Klaehn 591 An Interview with Canadian Webcomic Creator Becka Kinzie
Mark Anderson 600 I Don’t Know, Give It a Try, See What Happens
Damien Tomaselli 612 Digital Comic Adaptation and Adjustment: Conceptual Boundaries in Comic Book Recognition
John A. Lent 632 Remembrances
John A. Lent 634 The Printed Word

Edited by Mike Rhode
A. David Lewis
David Hyman
Leslie Gailloud

641 Exhibition and Media Reviews
Rolf Heimann 650 Dromkeen - A New Australian Cartoon Museum
  655 <Portfolio>


Vol. 18, No.1,Spring/Summer 2016

Jeffrey O. Segrave and
John A. Cosgrove

1 Calvinball: Sport, Imagination and Meaning in Bill Watterson’s Calvin and Hobbes

Paul M. Malone

14 Mali & Werner’s Mike: Underground Sensibility in a German Advertising Comic
Chris Gavaler 36 The Meanings of Comics
Richard Scully 60 Founding a Dynasty and an Art-Form: John Doyle (1797-1868)
Ashley Manchester 103 Tactility Meets Visuality: Race, Sexuality, and Texture in Howard Cruse’s Stuck Rubber Baby
Ignacio Fernández Sarasola 118 Forbidden Readings: The British Parliamentary Debate on “American-Style” Comic Books
Linn A. Christiansen 138

Corruption Among the Cats:
Hypocrisy Exposed by Liao Bingxiong

Charlotte Pylyser 157 Eye/I: Rodolphe Töpffer’s Style and the Concept of Graphiation
Benjamin Fraser 169 Art and Science in Pere Joan’s Nocilla Experience (2011)
Thayse Madella 196 Comics as Borderlands: The Asymmetrical Relations of Power in La Perdida, by Jessica Abel
Waldomiro Vergueiro 211 An Independent Production: Comics in Paraíba (1963-1991) Regina Maria Rodrigues Behar
Aurélie Meilin Pottier 240 Traces of Mauritian Origins and National Identity in Two Mauritian Comics
Subir Dey and Prasad Bokil 260 Syntax of Sound Symbolic Words: A Study of the Hindi Comic Books in India
Thiago de Almeida Castor do Amaral 278 Migration of Comics Onomatopoeia to Other Supports
  293 Burma’s Loudspeaker An exclusive report by The Surreal McCoy
Marc Wolterbeek 297 Grim Reapers and Shinigami: Personifications of Death in Comics and Manga

Nathaniel Goldberg and
Chris Gavaler

331 Economy of the Comic Book Author’s Soul

Toni Masdiono and
Iwan Zahar

355 Si Jin Kwi’s Comic by Otto Suastika (Siauw Tik Kwie)
Joseph Christopher Schaub 368 Revenge, Roads, and Ronin: Finding the Weird West in Contemporary Japanese Anime
Msanii Kimani wa Wanjiru 379 Kenya’s Kham and His Multi-Faceted Career
Amna Ashraf 392 Caricaturing Imran Khan during His Anti-Electoral-Rigging Campaign in Pakistan Naveed Iqbal Chaudhry
Chew, Matthew M., Boris L. Pun, and Kofi P. Chan 416 Hong Kong Comics after the Mid-1990s
Chadwick L. Roberts and Anita K. McDaniel 434 It Started With A Kiss: Reframing Superheroines’ Visual Narratives
Rima Bhattacharya 458 The “Not So Dark” World of the Dark Knight
Katherine Lundy 477 History and Philosophy of Manga Translation in North America
Janis Breckenridge 493 Cultural Revolutions and Stylistic Evolutions or, Reboots and Remakes: A Conversation with Derf
Zhiyu Zhang,  Feng Su, Chang Fengxia 506 Character Consumption and Character Industries in Japan

Harrison Douglass

525 The Next Generation of Comics Scholarship Huang Yao’s Roar of the Nation I (1938): Multi-media Approach to Wartime Cartooning
Christopher Crawford and Igor Juricevic 561 Two Frameworks for the Interpretation of Metaphoric and Literal Size Depictions in Comic Books
Douglas Clarke 585

An Essay
Exploring Wakanda: Black Superheroes, Comic Books, and Persistent Tropes

Daaniela  Marino 594

A Preliminary Study
Feminine Representation in Misty: Brazilian and American Editions

Jason Levine 602 It’s a MAD World After All: Confessions of a MAD Collector
John A. Lent 608 The Printed Word

David Kunzle
John A. Lent
Kirsten Møllegaard
Lim Cheng Tju

613 Book Reviews

Edited by Mike Rhode and John Lent
Ayanna Dozier
Janis Breckenridge

627 Exhibition and Media Reviews


Vol. 18, No.2, Fall/Winter 2016
Frederik L. Schodt 1

Pioneers in Comic Art Scholarship
My Drifting Manga Life

Waldomiro Vergueiro


Pioneers in Comic Art Scholarship
I Am Just a Comic Book Reader Who Became Curious…

Sylvain Rheault 33 Heroism Reversed: Graphic Novels About the Great War
Kim Munson 61 A Collaborative Journey: Malcolm Whyte, Troubador Press, and the Cartoon Art Museum, San Francisco
Kim Munson 111 How the French Kickstarted the Acceptance of Comics as an Art Form in the US: The Books and Exhibitions of Maurice Horn
Eike Exner 156 A Brief History of the Translation of American Comic Strips in Pre-World War II Japan and the Origins of Contemporary Narrative Manga
Sheng-Mei Ma 175 Gene Luen Yang's Graphic Bi-Bye to China/town
Fabio Mourilhe 196 From Phylacteries to Balloons: Consequences of Epistemological Evolution in Pictorial Representation of Discourse Support
José Alaniz 216 Food in Post-Soviet Russian Comics
Citlaly Aguilar Campos 234 The Influence of Cartoon and Animation for the Elaboration of Visual Art in the Electronic Dance Music Genre
Preeti Singh 258 Hippies, Rogues, and Urban Losers: Subjects of the Indian Graphic Novel
Kirsten Møllegaard 280 Graphic Adaptations of Pride and Prejudice: Pastiche, Parody, and Intertextuality
Dominic Davies 299 Comics Journalism: An Interview with Josh Neufeld
Kay K. Clopton 318 Poetics of Sound and Death: The Function of Nature and Effects in Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service
Robyn Johnson 337 I Will Not  Bow : Analysis of the Feminine Refusal of Hegel's Master-Slave Dialectic in Inuyasha
Jeffery Klaehn 354 An Interview with English Comic Book Artist Arthur Ranson
Kinko Ito 367 Remembering Her 50 Years in Japanese Girls' and Ladies' Comics: An Interview with Chikae Ide
Amadeo Gandolfo 384 The Neurotic Gaze: Jules Feiffer Seen Through a Feminist Lens
Edilaine Correa 403 Violence Representation in Horror Comic Books
Mike Rhode 417 Remembering Richard Thompson (1957-2016)
Alyssa Kim 421 How Realism Is Shaping Korean Webtoons
Sourav Chatterjee 434 “YES SIR!”  50 Years of Nationalism and the Indo-Pak War in Narayan Debnath’s  Bñātul the Great
Luiza Lusvarghi 453 Fiction, Transmedia Storytelling, and Cartoons: The Life and Death of Rê Bordosa
Fusami Ogi 463

How a Shōjo (a Japanese Girl) Transcends National Borders Through an Incestuous
Body: Shōjo Mangafrom the 1970s to the 2000s

Jeffery Klaehn 479 An Interview with Comic Book Artist Paul Gulacy
Varsha Jha (Singh) 488 Writing the Picture: Ramayana Narrative in a Graphic Novel Form
Joseph Hancuch 504

The Next Generation of Comics Researchers
The Visual Ideograph: The Advent and Departure of the Abu Ghraib “Hooded Specter”

Zac Clifton 516 (YA)ru, (O)kasu, (I)kaseru: Do Him, Rape Him, Make Him Cum: Rape, Loss, and the Silence of Queer Identity in Boys Love Manga
John A. Lent 531 The Printed Word

José Alaniz
John A. Lent

534 Book Reviews
  540 Portfolio


Vol. 19, No.1, Spring/Summer 2017
Edited by John A. Lent 1

Freedom To Cartoon: An Endangered Concept A Symposium

John A. Lent 4 Global Infringements on the “Right to Cartoon”: A Research Guide
Camila Gutierrez Fuentes 71 From Socialism to Dictatorship: Editorial Ideologies in Chilean Science Fiction and Adventure Comics
Jorge Montealegre I. 87 La Figura Del Presidente Salvador Allende. Caricatura Política E Imágenes Fatídicas
Ignacio Fernández Sarasola 95 Control over Comic Books in Spain during the Franco Dictatorship (1939-1975)

Cristiana de Almeida Fernandes,
Vera Lúcia dos Santos Nojima,
Ana Cristina dos Santos Malfacini,
and Maria da Conceição Vinciprova Fonseca

130 Early Censorship of Comics in Brazil and Spain and Their Use as an Educational Resource as an Escape
John A. Lent 159 Two Life Times and 15 Years: A Cuban Prisoner’s Coping Through Cartoons
Ulf Jonas Bjork 177 American Infection: The Swedish Debate over Comic Books, 1952-1957

Rik Sanders
Translated by Melchior Deekman

190 Seduced Innocence: The Dutch Debate about Comics in the 1940s and 1950s
John A. Lent 205 “Acquire the Widest Possible Comics Culture”: An Interview with Thierry Groensteen
Fred Patten 219 The Multi-Varied, 50-Year Career of a Fan-Researcher of Comic Art
Lin Young 243 Gutter Ghosts and Panel Phantasms: Horror, Haunting, and Metacomics
Simon Desplanque 270 World War II in French Collective Memory: The Relevance of Alternate History Comics. An Analysis of the Wunderwaffen Saga
Jaehyeon Jeong 290 Genre Hybridity as the Scheme of the Comics Industry
Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste 309 On the Pastoral Imaginary of a Latin American Social Democracy: Costa Rica’s El Sabanero
Jonathan Guyer 334 Between Fine and Comic Art. On the Arab Page: Much Connects Art and Comics in Egypt and the Wider Middle East
Lim Cheng Tju 345 “Art Is My Blood”: A Short Interview with Nora Abdullah, Pioneer Female Malay Comic Artist
Jesse D. Hurlbut 353 Comics Theory for the Ages: Text and Image Relations in Medieval Manuscripts
R. Brad Yarhouse 384 Examining Film Engagement Through the Visual Language of Comics
Janis Breckenridge 405 Hemispheric Latinx Identities and Transmedial Imaginaries: A Conversation with Frederick Luis Aldama
Hong-Chi Shiau and Hsiang-wen Hsiao 413 In Search of the Missing Puzzle Pieces: A Study of Jimmy Liao’s Public Art Installations in Taiwan
Kenan Koçak 428 Far from the Maddening Crowd: Guy Delisle as Cultural Reporter
Sara Owj 479 Comparative Study between Works of Joe Sacco, Art Spiegelman and Fumiyo Kono
Bryan Hikari Hartzheim 499 Toriko’s Database World
Veronica Anzaldua 525 Beyond Images and Gags: Comic Rhetoric in “Luann”
Michael Connerty 538 Happy Ike, The Pink Kid, and the American Presence in Early British Comics
Ulf Jonas Bjork 547 The Swedish Phantom: Sweden’s Domestication of an American Comic Book Hero
Barry Pearl 562 Start Spreading the News: Marvel and New York City
Jasmin Cyril 575 Honoré Daumier: Caricature and the Conception/Reception of “Fine Art”
Zola Zu 586 China’s Cartooning in the War of Resistance against the Japanese Invasion
Annabelle Cone 595 Belgian bande dessinée and the American West
John A. Lent 620 The Printed Word

M. Thomas Inge
David Lewis
John A. Lent
Lim Cheng Tju
Janis Breckenridge
Benoît Crucifix
Christopher Lee Proctor II
Michael J. Dittman
Leslie Gailloud

627 Book Reviews

Edited by Michael Rhode
Maite Urcaregui
Pascal Lefèvre
Keith Friedlander

647 Exhibition and Media Reviews
- 655 Portfolio


Vol. 19, No.2, Fall/Winter 2017
John A. Lent 1

Editor’s Notes

Nicky Wheeler-Nicholson 8 Applying the Lasso of Truth to The Secret History of Wonder Woman by Jill Lepore
Trina Robbins 46 Of Politics and Presidents in William Moulton Marston’s Wonder Woman
Afra S. Alshiban 51 Saudi Arabia’s Role in Advancing Comics
Patrick Nash 78 Re-imagining the Ku Klux Klan in Chinese Media through the 1950s
Wladimir Chávez Vaca 97 The Film Noir’s Aesthetics in a Graphic Novel: The Case of Angelus Hostis (2012)
Robyn Johnson 124 In the Past the Devil Has Won: Analysis of Seishi Kishimoto’s Satan and Savior in O-Parts Hunter
Dan Erdenebal 148 Comics in an Unexpected Place: Mongolia
Sina Shamsavari 163 The History of Gay Male Comics in the United States from Before Stonewall to the 21st Century
Pablo Turnes 202 Drawing Memories. The “Comics for Identity” Project in Argentina as an Ethical and Aesthetical Challenge
John A. Lent 213 Scalpels and Pens: Tools of Brazilian Surgeon/Cartoonist Ronaldo Cunha Dias
Martina Caschera 224 Women in Cartoons -- Liang Baibo and the Visual Representations of Women in Modern Sketch
Tahseen Salman Choudhury 253 By the Power of Lailies: History and Evolution of Women Characters in Bangladeshi Comics

Jeffrey O. Segrave, John A. Cosgrove

269 A Tribute to Trizophrenia: Sport in Jef Mallett’s Comic Strip “Frazz”
John A. Lent and Xu Ying 286 Wang Zimei and Sun Zhijun: Cartoonists Hidden in Chinese History
Northrop Davis 311 Peak TV and Anime: Why It Matters
Hongyan Sun 341 Modular, Proportional, Patterning: Representation of Zhang Guangyu’s Ornamental Style in His Comics

Laura Nallely Hernández Nieto
Iván Facundo Rubinstein

357 History and Popular Memory. Alternative Chronicle of Mexico City in the Comics of Gabriel Vargas
Jeremy Stoll 372 Art and Avarice: Tracing Careers in the Indian Comics World
Tolga Erkan 381 A Turkish Comic Strip: “Abdülcanbaz”
John A. Lent and Xu Ying 403 Pang Bangben: “This Old Man Can Do All Kinds of Art”
Citlaly Aguilar Campos 415 Major Lazer: Animation in Electronic Music as a Transmedia Resource
Patrick Shank 428 First Lesson of the Sea, Always Bring a Spare Pencil: Analyzing Navy Culture through Cold War Cartoons
Toni Masdiono and Iwan Zahar 466 First Lesson of the Sea, Always Bring a Spare Pencil: Analyzing Navy Culture through Cold War Cartoons
John A. Lent 475 The Printed Word

John A. Lent
Janis Breckenridge
Mel Gibson
Michael Rhode

483 Book Reviews
Edited by Michael Rhode 493 Exhibition and Media Reviews


Vol. 20, No.1, Spring/Summer 2018
Transnational Graphic Narratives 1

Transnational Graphic Narratives

Daniel Stein, Lukas Etter, Michael A. Chaney 4 Transnational Graphic Narrative A Special Symposium
Subir Dey and Prasad Bokil 17 Sound Symbolic Words in Translation
Michael A. Chaney 25 Misreading with the President: Re-reading the Covers of John Lewis’s March
Astrid Böger 43 Transnational Graphic Narratives from Down Under
Stephan Packard 65 The Inventibility of Other Audiences: Thoughts on the Popular Ideology of Fiction in Transnational Comic Books, on the Occasion of Captain Marvel #1
Casey Brienza 81 Domesticating Manga? Japanese Comics and Transnational Publishing
Franca Feil 98

Kawaii Snow White and an Umbrella Called “Dornröschen”:
Manga Adaptations of Grimms’ Fairy Tales

Suraya Md Nasir 118 Narrative and Identity: A Case Study on Malaysian Autobiographical Comics
Jocelyn Wright 139 Transnational Banlieue Bande Dessinée in the 21st Century: An Introduction
Johannes C. P. Schmid 153 Cartooning Resistance: Irony and Authentication in Zerocalcare’s Kobane Calling
Tobias J. Yu-Kiener 170 Barbara Stok’s Graphic Biography Vincent: A Transnational Campaign
Isabelle Licari-Guillaume 189 Transatlantic Exchanges and Cultural Constructs: Vertigo Comics and the British Invasion
Amadeo Gandolfo and Pablo Turnes 204 Alcatena’s Malón: National Identity and Cultural Work in the American Comics Industry
Laura Nallely Hernández Nieto 229

From the Post-revolutionary Mexico to the American Way of Life:
Analyzing Los Superlocos by Gabriel Vargas

Pfunzo Sidogi 242 Supa Strikas: Transnational Afropolitan Superheroes
Ganiyu Akinloye Jimoh 255 Josy Ajiboye: The Reluctant Cartoonist and Social Commentaries in Postcolonial Nigeria
Moritz Fink 267 Of Maus and Gen: Author Avatars in Nonfiction Comics
Annemari de Silva 297 Political Cartoonists and Censorship in Sri Lanka
Susan Signe Morrison 331 Grendel’s Mother in Fascist Italy: Beowulf in a Catholic Youth Publication
Jeffrey O. Segrave and John A. Cosgrove 349 “Games Are More Fun When There’s No Real Point”: Bizarre Sports in Comic Strips
Richard Scully and Robert Phiddian 367 The Australian Political Cartoon -- An Historiographical Overview
Estelle A. Muller 384 Reimaging South Africa’s Colonial History: Jan van Riebeeck as a Vampire in the Rebirth Graphic Novel
Alexandra L. Berglund 401 Drawing (Dis)ability Panel by Panel: A Literature Review of (Dis)ability, Comics, and Graphic Narratives
Christopher Maverick 418 Oracle of the Invisible: Rape in The Killing Joke
Marcela Murillo Lafuente 430 The Clothes (Re)Maketh the Woman: Sartorial Empowerment in Contemporary Bolivian Comics
Charles Hatfield, Stephen R. Bissette, Brian Cremins, and Gene Kannenberg, Jr. 453 Curious His Entire Life: Remembering Tom Roberts
Kin Wai Chu 470 A Forgotten Link in the History of the Chinese Newspaper Political Cartoon: The Cartoon Album of The World of E-king Yen
Janis Breckenridge 489 Sobriety Blows: Whiskey, Trauma, and Coping in Netflix’ “Jessica Jones”
M. Thomas Inge 505 The American Sense of Humor
Ryan Prout and Roberto Bartual 510 Wrinkles, Furrows, and Laughter Lines: Paco Roca in Conversation at the Lakes International Comic Art Festival
Thusha Rani Rajendra 524

Visual and Verbal Representations in Mat Som: Lat and Multiculturalism

Julie Kaiser 538 Veiling and Unveiling in Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis
John A. Lent 554 The CRNI as an Antidote to the Perils of Cartooning: An Interview with Robert “Bro” Russell
Kay K. Clopton 563 Ha-Fuun and Other Sounds of Enjoyment: How Giongo and Gitaigo Shift from Entertainment to Lived Experience in Insufficient Direction
Ruth McClelland-Nugent 575 “Will the Real Dr. Psycho Please Stand Up?” Finding the Origins of Wonder Woman’s Golden Age Characters
Ofer Ashkenazi and Jakob Dittmar 587 Negotiating Documentation in Comics
Daniel D. Clark 598 Manga’s Christian Other in Naoki Urasawa’s 20th Century Boys and Suu Minazuki’s Judas
Lauren Elyse Chivington 615 The Girl, the Man, and the Maus: Holocaust Narratives in Controversial Media
John A. Lent 649 The Printed Word
Alisia G. Chase 653 Book Reviews

Edited by Michael Rhode
Nick Nguyen
Lim Cheng Tju
Canan Marasligil

656 Exhibition and Media Reviews
  680 Reminiscences


Vol. 20, No.2, Fall/Winter 2018
John A. Lent 1

A 20-Year Harvest of Comic Art Scholarship: International Journal of Comic Art--1999-2018

Edited by John A. Lent


A Symposium on Political Cartoons

Rob Rogers


Six in a Row? That Has to Be Some Kind of Record!

Haydon Manning and Robert Phiddian


The Editorial Cartoon’s Fading Impact -- The State of Play in Australia at the Federal Election of 2016 and Beyond

John A. Lent


The New Wave of Investigative Cartooning  in South Korea

Benjamin Wai-ming Ng


Drawing Chinese Political Cartoons in Japan: Blessing in Disguise or Trade-off?

Leonard Rifas


The Politics of Underground Comix and the Environmental Crisis

Richard Scully


Mark Knight vs Serena Williams -- Crossing the Line: Offensive and Controversial Cartoons in the 21st Century -- “The View from Australia” -- Part Two

Lim Cheng Tju


Morgan Chua (1949 -- 2018) and  Political Cartooning in Singapore

Sara S. Elmaghraby


Cartooning Poverty: Are Cartoonists Helping Sustainable Development in Egypt?

José Alaniz


“Hippies” and Pacifism in Igor Kolgarev’s Militariisk Comics

Milind Ranade


Discovering Tom Browne and His Postcards

Jeffrey SJ Kirchoff


Beyond the Printed Page: Dementia, Graphic Medicine, and Digital Comics

Janis Breckenridge and Maia Watkins


Reading Between the Lines: Drawing on the Horrors of Disappearance in “Un asesino anda suelto”

Mike Rhode


A Chat with Izar Lunaček of Slovenia

Izar Lunacek


A Brief History of Slovenian

Melanie Hernandez


Currier & Ives’s Darktown Series: Recovering White Social Capital through Violent Satire

Tomasz Żaglewski


Superhero Sentimentalism. Analyzing the Social Media Nostalgia for the First Wave of American Comics in Poland

Jean Braithwaite


Navigating Jimmy Corrigan: Time, Space, and Puzzles, Including Pagination

Marlene Pohle


A Cartoonist Chronicler of Cartoonists’ Confabs

William H. Foster III


March Graphic Novel: “American History Lives Again”

Steve Danziger


Malice, Metaphysics, and Mengele -- Holocaust Motifs and the Renunciation of Evil in EC Horror Comics

Robyn Johnson


Bishie Man or Woman, It Matters Not:
Grotesque Resistance to Heteronormative Love in Yu Wo’s ½ Prince

Citlaly Aguilar Campos


Liminality and Meta-fiction in Comics: The Ayotzinapa Case by Augusto Mora

João Batista Freitas Cardoso and Caio Mattos Moreira Cardoso


The V Mask in Translation: From Commercial to Subversive Systems

Ken Junior Lipenga 478 Intersections of Sex and Violence in Preacher
Ignacio Fernández Sarasola 493

Crime News:
Blaming Comic Books for Crimes Committed During the “Golden Age”

J.T.H. Connor 518

Behind the Scenes of the “War in Comics” Exhibit: An Interview withCanada’s Andrew Loman and Irene Velentzas

Paola Moreno Izaguirre 525 Art Toy as Anatomical Sketch
Northrop Davis 536 Legendary Hollywood Designer Syd Mead’s Important Contributions to Landmark Anime
Barry Pearl 542 Charles M. Schulz: Cartoons Without Peanuts
John A. Lent 561 Reminiscences
John A. Lent 571 The Printed Word
David Kunzle 574 A Review Essay

Kirsten Møllegaard
Dominick Grace
Mike Rhode
Varsha Singh
José Alaniz

590 Book Reviews

Mike Rhode
Dana Jeri Maier
Carli Spina
Emily Lauer


Exhibition and Media Reviews
Edited by Mike Rhode


Vol. 21, No. 1, Spring/Summer 2019
Ronald Stewart 1

Itō Hirobumi’s Nose: Syphilis in Early 20th Century Japanese Cartoons

Paul M. Malone


“You Are Leaving the French Sector”: Flix’s Spirou in Berlin and the Internationalization of German Comics

Anton Kannemeyer


As I Please: A Personal Reflection on Censorship

Annabelle Cone


The “Bobo” (bourgeois-bohème) as Post-Modern Figure? Gentrification and Globalization in Dupuy and Berberian’s Monsieur Jean and Boboland

Tania Pérez-Cano


Graphic Testimonies of the Balsero Crisis of 1994: Narratives of Cuban Detainees at the Guantánamo Naval Base

Ana Merino


Comics Reinventing Creativity in the Museum: Some Thoughts about the Show “Viñetas Desbordadas/Overflowing Panels”

Jon Holt


Ishii Takashi, Beyond 1979: Ero Gekiga Godfather, GARO Inheritor, or Shōjo Manga Artist?

Daniel F. Yezbick


Of Bears, Birds, and Barks: Animetaphoric Antagonism and Animalscéant Anxieties within Dell Funny Animal Franchise Comics

John A. Lent


Wang Ning, Beijing Total Vision Culture Spreads Co. Ltd., and the Transnationalization of Chinese Comic Books

Alvaro Alemán and Eduardo Villacís


Pointed Language: Reading Paola Gaviria’s Virus Tropical (2009) from the Perspective of the Visual Protocols of the Graphic Novel

Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste


On Butterflies, Viruses, and Visas: Comics and the Perils of Diasporic Imagined Communities

Anu Sugathan


The City and the Medium of Comics: Depiction of Urban Space in Sarnath Banerjee’s Corridor and The Barn Owl’s Wondrous Capers

Dietrich Grünewald
Translated by Christina Little


Crossing Borders: Graphic Novels Quoting Art

Kent Worcester


That Chameleon Quality: An Interview with R. Sikoryak

Sara Dallavalle


Popular Format and Auteur Format in Italian Comics. The Case of Magnus

Sam Cannon and Hugo Hinojosa Lobos


Chile’s Military Dictatorship and Comics as Alternative Methods of Memorialization: Critical Approaches from Contemporary Chilean Graphic Novels

Leila Sadegh Beigi


Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis and Embroideries: A Graphic Novelization of Sexual Revolution across Three Generations of Iranian Women

Mathieu Li-Goyette


A Sublime in Tension Around Alexandre Fontaine Rousseau and Francis Desharnais’ Les Premiers Aviateurs

Michelle Ann Abate


“They’re Quite Strange in the Larval Stage”: Children and Childhood in Gary Larson’s “The Far Side”

Magnus Nilsson


Marxism Across Media: Characterization and Montage in Variety Artwork’s Capital in Manga

Debarghya Sanyal


The Desi Archie: Selling India’s America to America’s India

Sina Shamsavari


Gay Male Porno Comics: Genre, Conventions, and Challenges

Anno Moyoco Yasuko Akiyama


Ambitious Women in Male Manga Magazines: Sakuran and Hataraki-Man

Aimee Vincent


“Hey Kids, Patriarchy!”: Satire and Audience on the Back Covers of Bitch Planet

Chad A. Barbour


The Fine Art of Genocide: Underground Comix and U.S. History as Horror Story

John Darowski


Superman’s Remediation of Mid-20th Century American Identity

Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste


A Matter of Affect: Illustrated Responses to the Immigration Debacle

Bi Keguan
Edited by Bi Weimin
Translated by Xu Ying


Random Notes of the Editorial Office of China’s Manhua Magazine

Chu Der-Chung (Zola Zu) with John A. Lent
Translation by Xu Ying


The Chus: A Family Teeming with Cartoonists

Alvaro Alemán and Eduardo Villacís


Faith in Comics: Ex-voto Religious Offerings and Comic Art

Barbara Zocal Da Silva


Translated Hispano-American Comics in Brazil

Conversation with Jan Ziolkowski and Ariana Chaivaranon


An Afternoon with R. O. Blechman

John Gardner


Kennedy Conspiracy Comics: ¡en Español!

Michela Canepari


The Myth of Frankensteinfrom Mary Shelley to Gris Grimly: Some Intersemiotic and Ideological Issues

The Best We Could Do: A Mini-Symposium

Isabelle Martin


The Role of Water in the Construction of Refugee Subjectivity in Thi Bui’s The Best We Could Do

Debarghya Sanyal


A Burden of Tales: Memories, Trauma, and Narratorial Legacies in The Best We Could Do and Munnu

Francesca Lyn


The Fragmentary Body: Traumatic Configurations in Autobiographical Comics by Women of Color

A. David Lewis


A Graphic Medicine Prescription

Pioneers in Comics Scholarship

Kosei Ono


My Life with American Comics: How It Started

Shefali Elizabeth Mathew


Nature of Reality in the Graphic: “Calvin and Hobbes”

Introduced by Jochen Garcke


The Mindset of a Professional Exhibition Curator


Licia Citti


One Life, Many Loves: Dario Mogno’s Passion for Cinematography, Publishing, Comics, and Cuba

John A. Lent


The Printed Word

David Kunzle


Review Essay: Shawn Gilmore

Jean-Paul Gabilliet


Exhibition Review Essay

Rachel Kunert-Graf
Stephen Connor
Kirsten Møllegaard
John A. Lent
Maite Urcaregui


Book Reviews

John A. Lent
Edited by Mike Rhode
Carli Spina


Exhibition and Media Reviews





Vol. 21, No. 2, Fall/Winter 2019
John A. Lent 1

Editor’s Notes

Andrew Perry


Encrumbed by the Signifying Monkey: Con Men, Cackling Clowns, and the Exigencies of Desire in the Comics of Robert Crumb

Justin, Chiu-tat Wong


Initial Investigation of Political Cartoons and Illustrations in the Anti-Extradition Bill Protest in Hong Kong

Jonathan Guyer


War, Romance, and Everyday Life in Beirut’s Emerging Alt-Comix Scene

Ryan Prout


Invisible, Unseeing, Alienated: Mexico and William S. Burroughs in Bernardo Fernández’s Uncle Bill

Gilbert Shelton


Underground Cartoonists Exhibit in the Soviet Union, 1990

Simone Castaldi


Italian Underground, The Secret Life of Italian Comics, 1968-1978

John A. Lent and Xu Ying


The Intrigue Surrounding China’s Ink Wash Painting Animation

Joseph N. Nyanoti


Patriarchal Ideology in Kenya’s Editorial Cartoons: A Cultural Studies Approach

Janis Be Breckenridge
Devyani Gupta


Out the Window: Illustrating the Realities of Alzheimer’s in Paco Roca’s

Haley Hulan


I’m Blackety Black Y’all: Conventions of the Superhero in the CW’s “Black Lightning”

João Batista Freitas Cordosa
Evandro Gabriel Izidoro Merli


The Geek Culture in the Urban Environment:

Mrinal Chatterjee


Portraying Social Issues: A Heuristic Study of Contemporary Cartoons in India

Noboru Tomonari


Becoming a Man: The Allure of Muscular Masculinity in Manga by Ikki Kajiwara

Malik Nairat and Palle Dahlstedt


Generative Comics: Introduction and Analysis

Marlene Pohle


“Ao Correr da Pena”--“With a Stroke of the Pen” Drawing Vila Franca De Xira and His People

Louise C. Larsen


I Have Much To Tell You:

Brian Baynes


An Interview with M. Thomas Inge

Zhu Yaozhou
Translated by Xu Ying


My Father, Mi Gu, A Masterful Cartoonist

Joanna Luisa B. Obispo


Japan’s Country Image: Perceptions of Filipino Early Generations and Anime University Student-Viewers

Cord Scott


The Skull and the Elephant: The Significance of The Punisher in American Political Eras

John A. Lent



John A. Lent


The Printed Word

Carlotta Vacchelli
Radmila Stefkova
John A. Lent
Catherine E. Corder
Stephen Connor
John A. Lent


Book Reviews

Edited by Mike Rhode


Exhibition and Media Reviews

Mike Rhode
Mike Rhode


Exhibition Reviews








Vol. 22, No. 1, Spring/Fall
Martín Alejandro Salinas and Sebastián Horacio Gago 2

Cultural Imperialism Strikes Back: A South American Symposium

Martin Alejandro Salinas


One World, Many Batmen: From Cultural Imperialism to the Culture of the Empire

Sebastian Gago Translated by Alejandra Pina Mas and Martín Salinas


“What Does a Few Lives Matter?”:
Notes on Two Comic-book Invasions of Héctor Oesterheld (1974-1977)

Ivan Lima Gomes


Graphic Narratives, a Tool of Imperialism in South America? Deconstructing American Superheroes in Brazilian and Chilean Comics (1960-1970)

Lucas R. Berone Translated by Mariana de Madariaga and Lucas Berone


Writing the History of Comics: The Case of the Di Tella Biennial (Buenos Aires, 1968)

Rodrigo Browne S. and Rosmery-Ann Boegeholz C.


Disney Academy: Donald Duck as the Western Imperialism Paradigm

Ignacio Fernández Sarasola


Toxic Reading Material: Techniques Used by Society and G overnments to Control Comic Books  

Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste


Book Review Essay

Jasleen Kandhari


Graphic Narratives in Sikh Comics: Iconography and Religiosity as a Critical Art Historical Enquiry of the Sikh Comics Art Form

Marty Branagan


Tintin: From Violent, Communist-Hating Conservative to Radical Peacenik

Levi Obonyo and Njoki Chege


Lost in Modernity: Doodling in the Digital Age

Robyn Johnson


Sacrificing Healing: The Loss and Resilience of Yurok Healing in Chag Lowry and Rahsan Ekedal’s Soldiers Unknown 

Mirvat Mohamed and Kirsten Møllegaard


This Land Is Whose Land? Voices of Belonging in Three First-Generation American Graphic Memoirs

Chris Reyns-Chikuma


Représentations de l’autre solitude dans quelques BD et comics canadiens dont l’histoire se passe à Montréal (1e partie) [Representations of the Other Solitude in Select Canadian Comics and BDs Which Take Place in Montréal (Part 1)]

Chris Reyns-Chikuma


Représentations de l’autre solitude dans quelques BD et comics canadiens dont l’histoire se passe à Montréal (2e partie) [Representation of the Other Solitude in Some Canadian BD and Comics Which Take Place in Montreal (Part 2)]

John A. Lent


Chinese Comic Art Museums and Centers Part One: A Personal Mission

Yan Chuanming, Xu Ying, John A. Lent


Chinese Comic Art Museums and Centers Part Two: The China Comics Village

Ahmed Baroody


Anime and Gender Roles in Kuwaiti Islamic Culture: A Conflict of Cultural Values?

Michal Chudolinski


The Outdatedness of Superheroism? The Condition of the Superhero Myth: Past and Today

Iwan Zahar and Toni Masdiono with John A. Lent


Hans Jaladara, Creator of Indonesia’s Panji Tengkorak

Iwan Zahar and Toni Masdiono


Ganesh TH, the Author of Si Buta dari Goa Hantu: The Most Celebrated Comics of the Indonesian Comics Golden Age

David Kunzle


Nearly 50 Years Ago An Early Glimpse of China’s Maoist Comics: A Review

Jeffrey O. Segrave and John A. Cosgrove


“You’re a star if you can louse up 70% of the time”: Sport in Jeff MacNelly’s “Shoe”

Jakob F. Dittmar


Flexible Comics?: Sequential Images on Screen Media

Jason D. DeHart


A Transmedia Case Study: Batman -- The Animated Series

John A. Lent



John A. Lent


The Printed Word

Maite Urcaregui
Marie Sartain
Misha Grifka Wander
John A. Lent
Edward Salo
Sam Cowling
Patrick Ijima-Washburn


Book Reviews

Nick Nguyen


Exhibition Review Essay
Exhibitions of the 47th Angoulème International Comics Festival

Nick Nguyen


Exhibition Reviews


Vol. 22, No. 2, Fall/Winter
John A. Lent

Editor’s Notes

José Alaniz

Survilo and Historical Trauma in Contemporary Russian Comics

Marty Branagan


Tintin: From Violent Communist-Hating Conservative to Radical Peacenik, Part 2

Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste


An Interview with Patricia Breccia

Annabelle Cone


“The Fez, The Harem Pants, and the Embroidered Tie: Fashion and the Politics of Orientalism in Three Francophone Graphic Novels”

John A. Lent with Geisa Fernandes


Far Out of the Box: The Comics of Chile’s Marcela Trujillo (Maliki)

Natsume Fusanosuke Translated by Jon Holt and Teppei Fukuda


The Characteristics of Japanese Manga 

Stephen Connor


Ordinary Enemies: Robert Kanigher, Garth Ennis, and the Myth of the Unblemished Wehrmacht

Pritesh Chakraborty


Re-invention of Indian Myths in the Superhero Comic Books of Nagraj

Christine Atchison


Watchmen: An Exploration of Transcendence in Comics 

Francisco Saez de Adana and Michel Matly


The 1936-1939 Spanish Civil War and American Comics

Kim Munson


Comix from the Cosmos: Interview with Barbara “Willy” Mendes

John A. Lent


Trying Times Require Re-inventiveness: Ways of Coping of Taiwan’s Ling Qun

Brian Cremins


“Reoccurring Dreams”: Music and the Elegiac Voice in John Porcellino’s Perfect Example

Alisia Grace Chase


The Maternal-Feminine and Matrixial Borderspace in Megan Kelso’s Watergate Sue

Kosei Ono 


How Sugiura’s Ninja-Boy Comics Developed after the Asia-Pacific War

Aaron Humphrey


The Pedagogy and Potential of Educational Comics 

Jeffrey O. Segrave


To Play or Not to Play? That Is the Question: Perspectives on Organized Youth Sports in Comic Strips

Alexandra Bowman


An Interview with India’s Ghost Animation Studio about Their Short Film “Wade”

Peter Cullen Bryan


An Expert on Arrow: Critical Fan Activism and Gail Simone’s Twitter

Andrew Edward


Is It a Bird? Is It a Plane? It’s Jack the Ripper!

Safa Al-shammary


Habibi Worth a Thousand Words, and a Few Words Worth a Thousand Tales 

Wendy Siuyi Wong


In Memory of Theresa Lee Wai-chun (1943–2020) 

Kyle Eveleth


Print Is Dead; Long Live Print!: Are Digital Comics Killing the Print Comics Industry?

Angelo J. Letizia


Comics as a Window into Disposability: Some Thoughts

Mrinal Chatterjee


Cartoons in the Time of Corona in India

John A. Lent with Xu Yi


The Wild Career Path of Taiwan’s Tsai Chih-chung: Animator, Comic Strips and Books Creator, Physicist, now Monk

John A. Lent
Janis Be Breckenridge
Bryan Bove
Christopher Roman
Tony Wei Ling
John A. Lent 


Book Reviews

Lizzy Walker
Elke Defever
John A. Lent
Cord A. Scott
John A. Lent
Matthew Teutsch
A. David Lewis
John A. Lent
Aaron Ricker
John A. Lent


Chris Yogerst
Lim Cheng Tju
Chaney Jewell and Cassandra


Exhibition Reviews





Vol. 23, No. 1
John A. Lent with Xu Ying

In Support of Their Fathers’ and Mother’s Legacies: 13 Offspring of China’s Prominent Cartoonists Explain

William Hamilton


Coping with Conflict: Boxing Heroes and German Comics in the Aftermath of the First World War

Michele Ann Abate


“Any Children?”: “The Family Circus” and the Problems of Parenthood

José Alaniz


“Fragging” The Afghan War: Red Blood

Artur Skweres


All You Need Is Kill, Not Love -- Considering the Romantic Relationship in the Manga and Film Adaptations of Hiroshi Sakurazaka’s Novel

Mike Rhode


Jason Little Discusses The Vagina, His NSFW Webcomic

Aaron Humphrey and Simon Walsh


The Border Separating Us: Autobiographical Comics of an Australian World War I Internment Camp

Toby Juliff

271  Tintin and the Jews (of Contemporary Literature)

Shivani Sharma


Within and Between the Visual Metaphoricity of Comics: A Semiotic Approach to the Mahābhārata in Amar Chitra Katha

Jeff S. Wilson


Dramatizing Ontology in 18 Days: Grant Morrison’s Mahābhārata and the Battle to Save Eternity!

Ignacio Fernández Sarasola


The Role of Fox Feature Syndicate in the Implementation of the Comics Code Authority

Alexandra Bowman Edited by Michael Rhode


An Interview with 2021 Oscar Nominee: Icelandic Artist, Gisli Darri Halldórsson

Kirsten Møllegaard


Remembrances of Things Past: Childhood in Graphic Memoirs

Kinko Ito


The Social Functions and Impacts of Popular Manga in Contemporary Japan: A Case of GOLDEN KAMUY

Chadwick L. Roberts Anita K. McDaniel


Slaying the Monster: Heroic Lesbian Narratives in World’s Finest

Angelo Letizia


Poems, Comics and the Spaces Between: An Examination of the Interplay between Poem and Pag

Noran Amin


The Oriental Superheroes: Political Questions in G. Willow Wilson’s Cairo: A Graphic Novel and Ms. Marvel

Alisia Grace Chase


The Maternal-Feminine and Matrixial Borderspace in Megan Kelso’s “Watergate Sue”

Felipe Rodolfo Hendriksen


Morpheus Aeternorum Dreams, Androgyny, and Their Characteristics in Sandman (Preludes & Nocturnes), by Neil Gaiman

Musings by Wim Lockefeer


When Le Chat Was Put Among the Pigeons 

Ronald Stewa


Obituary & Remembrance of Manga Historian Shimizu Isao

Mike Rhode
Marc Singer
José Alaniz
Charles Hatfield
Joseph Witek
Vijay Shah
Joe Sutliff Sanders
Michael A. Torregrossa
Randy Duncan
Brian Cremins
John A. Lent


On the Passing of Comics Scholar Tom Inge

John A. Lent


Research Prompts

David Kunzle


New Light on the Soon-to-Be Famous Marie Duval A Review Essay

Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste
Stephanie Burt
John A. Lent
Jean Sébastien
Charles W. Henebry
John A. Lent
Maite Urcaregui
Michael Rhode
John A. Lent
John A. Lent
Chris York
Laura Sayre
John A. Lent


Book Reviews

John A. Lent and Jaehyeon Jeong


International Journal of Comic Art Manuscript Preparation Guide


Vol. 23, No. 2
John A. Lent

Editor’s Notes

Marie Laureillard


Corrado Neri


Small Objects, Old Pictures, New Drawings: Forms of Historiography in Contemporary Taiwanese Graphic Novels (Past and Future)

Justin S. Wadlow


Tales from Vietnam: Testifying about War and Exile in France and the United States

John A. Lent


The Other East Asian Cartoon Powerhouse--South Korea 

Delphine Mulard


The Evolution of the Character of the Monkey King (Songokû) from Journey to the West in the Illustrated Books and Paintings in Edo Period

Julia Rigual Mur and Pablo César Anía Ruiz-Flores


Comics Outside of Japan: Manga by Spanish Authors

Naoko Morita

83  “Fuichin-san” (1957-1962), a Dramatization of a Girl’s Life in Harbin and the Stylistic Research of Ueda Toshiko

Anthony Tristani


Shonen and Seinen Manga, Repositories of the Pacific War

Christophe Cassiau-Haurie Translated by Issa Nyaphaga


History of Comics in Senegal

Aswathy Senan


What’s in a Signature?: The Comic War over the Twins

Michele Ann Abate


The New Yorker’s Greatest Cartoonist and the Little Spaniard: Peter Arno and Pablo Picasso

Sarahi Isuki Castelli-Olvera


When Quetzalcoatl and Shenlong Collide: Image of the Dragon on Quetzalcoatl’s Representation within the Mexican Comic Aztectopía

John A. Lent with Huseyin Cakmak and Musa Kayra


Tiny Country, Monumental Event: Cyprus Olive Cartoon Festival

Nidai Güngördü with John A. Lent


The Mayor’s Comments

Pascal Lefèvre


A Bumpy and Proud Academic Journey

Wiliam Machado de Andrade and Aaron Humphrey


The Legacy of José Carioca/Zé Carioca: A Critical History of the Brazilian Disney Ambassador

Xu Ying


An “In-betweener” Chinese Cartoonist: An Interview with Chang Jin

Jeffrey O. Segrave John A. Cosgrove


“I Ain’t a Bad Swab at Heart--I Does the Best I Know How”: Popeye and Boxing in E. C. Segar’s Thimble Theatre

Freedom and Regulation of Expression, Manga, and Women: A Symposium edited by Fusami Ogi

Nagayama Kaoru Translated by Patrick W. Galbraith


The Imaginary Republic

Fusami Ogi


Shōjo Manga [Japanese Comics for Girls] and Her Freedom: Globalizing the Half-century Challenge of Going Beyond Difficulties

Miho Takeuchi Translated by Nick Hall


Places for Expressing Women’s Independence and Media Condition: Focusing on Essay Manga on SNS

Jessica Bauwens-Sugimoto


Expressing Visceral Female Subjectivity in Women’s Manga: Double Standards, Censorship, and Staying Ahead in the Game

Takeshi Hamano


Bodies Reconfigured between the National and Global Realms: An Exploration of the Shift of Moral Panic Codes Against Sexual Expression in Manga in Contemporary Japan

Kazumi Nagaike


An Analysis of Frame Structures in LGBTQ-themed Manga: How the (Im)permeability of Manga Frames Enhances LGBTQ Manga Characterization, Design, and Narrative

Patrick W. Galbraith


Is Eromanga a Bad Word? Confronting “the Erotic Barrier”

Ahmed Baroody


The Cultural Tensions of Non-Kuwaiti Video Games Circulating in Kuwaiti Culture: Kuwaiti Gamers’ Views on Gender, Sexuality, and Censorship in Gaming

Kosei Ono


Laughing All the Way: Saseo Ono in His Indonesia Days, 1941-1945

Michael A. Torregrossa


Frankenstein and Its Legacy in the Comics

John A. Lent


Oleg Dergachov’s Perpetual Quest for Comic Art Fulfillment

Sun Kil Whang


Discussion about Typhoto Poem

Jason DeHart


New Visual Worlds: Introducing a Visual Pedagogy

Barry Pearl


Not STAN LEE’s Soapbox, But STAN LEE’s JACK-In-The-Box! Stan “The Man” Talks About Jack Kirby “The King” -- 1961-2014

Jason D. DeHart


A Few Words from a Children’s Graphic Novelist

John A. Lent


Remembrance (Giannalberto Bendazzi 1946-2021)

John A. Lent


Research Prompts

Alan Clark


David Kunzle. Ally Sloper, His Life & Times, by Alan Clark, Sugar-Plums and Tootletum, The Work of C. H. Ross

David Kunzle


Richard Scully. Rebirth of the English Comic Strip: A Kaleidoscope, 1847-1870

Michel Matly


Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste. La función del comic

Cherian George and Sonny    Liew
Benjamin Woo and Jeremy          Stoll
Roy Schwartz
Sika A. Dagbovie- Mullins and
Eric L.Berlatsky
Danny Fingeroth and Roy   
Paul S. Hirsch
Dominic Davies and Candida
Eszter Szép Antόnio Antunes,    et al
Daniel Worden
Andrew J. Kunka
John A. Crespi
Keum Suk Gendry-Kim
Christopher J. Gilbert
Blake Scott Ball 


Book Reviews

Andy Holden
Wim Lockefeer
Mike Rhode
Pedro Moura 


Exhibition Reviews


Vol. 24, No. 1
John A. Lent

Editor’s Notes

Ramie Tateishi


Ishinomori Shōtarō: Teaching the Art of the Manga Panel

S. Leigh Ann Cowan


More or Less Hearing:
Representations of Deafness in Marvel Comics

Compiled by John A. Lent


Satire in the Wake of “Woke” : A South African’s Woes

Citlaly Aguilar Campos


Comics as Resources of Meaning in a Prevention Campaign for Covid-19 in Mexico: Susana Distancia and Escuadrón de la salud [Health Squad]

Richard Scully and Mathew Paterson


Kaiser, King, and Caricature:
Franz Joseph in British Cartoons, 1848-1916 

Mike Rhode


“Who Is This Gallant Girl of Greatness?” A Chat with Brian Biggs about My Hero

John A. Lent with Geisa Fernandes

182 Vilma Vargas, Female Political Cartoonist: A Rarity in South America

Abinsha Joseph and Smita Jha


The Names and the Nameless -- People Who Make Up the City: A Reading of Harsho Mohan Chattoraj’s Kolkata Kaleidoscope

Paul Bevan


“Not on Your Tintype”: The Emperor of Japan as Depicted by William Gropper

Felix Cheong


Poetry Comics as Artifact: The Visual Poetics of Sprawl

Michelle Ann Abate


Cliff Dwellers in Hogan’s Alley:
R. F. Outcault and the Ashcan School

Lisa Mansfield, Jessica Stanhope, and Philip Weinstein


Pride, Pain, and Punishment: Cacofonix as a Model of Resilience in The Adventures of Asterix

Alvaro Alemán and Eduardo Villacís


Metafiction and Ecuadorian Graphic Novel: The Case of El ejército de los tiburones martillo (2019) by Fabián Patinho

Hayat Bedaiwi


Qahera: The Webcomic, Not the City: Reception and Popularity

Mike Rhode


Discussing The Art of Living with Grant Snider

Kay K. Clopton


It’s Like You’re There: Experiencing Sounds, Giongo, and Gitaigo in Skull-face Bookseller Honda-san

Michel Matly


We Are Nothing

Harry Jiandang Tan


Early Chinese Portrayals in Western Political Cartoons from the Mid-19th Century

Xu Ying


Unique Beijing Comics Coffee House and Its First Exhibition: A Picture Story and Mini-Catalogue

Patrick Ijima-Washburn


Mobility of Monstrous Mermaids in Manga

Nadiezhda Palestina Camacho Quiroz


Similarities and Differences Between Mexican Friki Culture and Geek Culture in the United States

compiled by Mike Rhode


Comic Art Academic Monograph Publishers

Kathleen Breitenbach


Maia Kobabe in Conversation: Banned Books, Queer Stories, and Gender Queer: A Memoir

Motoko Tanaka


Contemporary Rebellion in Tsutsui Testuya’s Yokokuhan

Laetitia Rapuzzi


The Manhua Specialized Press in China: 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up

CT Lim


Introducing SG Cartoon Resource Hub, a New Site for Exploring Singapore Cartooning 

Daniel F. Yezbick


Goodbye, Bob (and thanks for all your words about pictures!): A Far Too Brief Appreciation of the Life and Times of Robert C. Harvey, Comics’ Premiere Pundit

Jakob Dittmar


Defining the Graphic Novel

Brent Allison


An Essay Odd Taxi, Animal Farm, and Satirical Distance

Jason DeHart


Long Answers to Simple Questions: An Interview with Ben Hatke

Mike Rhode


Meet Sergio Peçanha, Washington Post Visual Essayist

Mike Rhode


A Chat with Ted Anderson: “I Work in My Head”

Eric Berlatsky
Charles Henebry and Lee Williams
María Márquez López
John A. Lent
Cheng Tju Lim
Chris York
Cord A. Scott
Kenneth Oravetz
Jason D. DeHart
Elke Defever
Cord A. Scott
Elke Defever


Book Reviews

José Alaniz
Tony Wei Ling
Barbara Postema
Wim Lockefeer
Robert Lemieux
Martha H. Kennedy
John A. Lent


Exhibition Reviews


Vol. 24, No. 2
John A. Lent

Editor’s Notes

Chris Reyns-Chikuma

Introduction: Canada + Manga = Canga?

Jean Sébastien


Quebec Welcomes Manga or Towards a New Thread in the Imagined Community

Sylvain Rheault


The Ways in Which Manga Enters Canada

Zachary Winchcombe


“Discovering” Gekiga: Drawn and Quarterly, Yoshihiro Tatsumi, and Manga in Canada 

Ryan Clement


Is “Can-ga” the Next Scott Pilgrim? How Canada Can Draw on Japanese Manga and Its Own Diverse Communities to Celebrate and Promote Its Own Comic Creators

Tsugumi (Mimi) Okabe


Reading Jane Austen in Canadian Shōjo Manga: Risks and Rewards

Fabrice Leroy

95 The Algerian War Through the Noir Lens in Jacques Ferrandez and Maurice Attia’s Alger la noire

Roman Rosenbaum


The Representation of the U.S.-Japan Alliance in Manga

Joseph “Rusty” Witek


Choices and Chances: Getting to Be a Comics Scholar

Sara W. Duke


Drawing the Dust Bowl: An Interview with Aimee de Jongh

Roger Sabin


Working with the “Friendliest Gang in Academia” 

Oleg Dergachov


“To Say Out Loud Everything You Think About and Everything Around You” --The Views of Russia’s Viktor Bogorad

Oleg Dergachov


A Defiant Chronicler of War in Ukraine: Vladimir Kazanevsky

Wang Jing Translated by Xu Ying


My Friend and Muse, Li Binsheng: Master Cartoonist, Peking Opera Performer, Magician, and Folklorist

Mike Rhode


Brilliant Color-Blind Colorist: Haitian Cartoonist Thony Loui 

Amanda Kennell


Satoshi Kon’s Opus through His Anime

Kinko Ito


Gengoroh Tagame: An Award-winning, Openly-Gay, Erotic, Manga Artist Portrays Gay Life and Issues for the General Audience

Mark David Nevins


The “Art” of the Swipe (Or: Revenge of the Fanboys)

Mike Rhode


The Occasionally Fabulous Cartooning Life of Eric Orner

Ian Gordon


Martin Barker (1946-2022)

Jonathan Gray


Big Name B: With Thanks to and in Memory of Martin Barker

Mackenzi McGowan


Quixotic “Adaptations”: 21st Century Illustrative and Written Tributes of Don Quijote

Y. S. Seo and Austin Kang


Effects of Service Quality Characteristics of “Lore Olympus” on User Satisfaction and Reuse Intention of Generation Z in Korea

Delázkar Rizo


Irreverence Images. Everyday Rebellion in Paul Kirchner’s and Gary Larson’s Cartoons

Jason D. DeHart


Namor: The Dynamics of Outsider and Insider

Dietrich Grünewald Translated by Abigail Fagan


Abstract Comics A Challenge to the Audiences’ Imaginative Capacities

Xu Ying


Chinese Comic Artist Cai Weidong

Pritesh Chakraborty


A Comparative Analysis of the Representation of Violence in Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth and Selected Batman Comics

Georgina González Mendívil


Pompeyo the Villain and Couples’ Interactions

John A. Lent


New Book Series and Reprints

Mike Rhode


Randy Scott Retires from Michigan State University Library’s Comic Art Collection

Rik Spanjers


A Colonial Perspective on the Indonesia-Netherlands Comics Connection

Lara Saguisag


Mystery, Magic, and Love in Manila: A Review of Three Graphic Novels from the Philippines

Paul Levitz
John A. Lent
Sam Cowling
Elke Defever
Chris York
Xu Ying
James Willetts
Christopher M. Roman
Cord A. Scott Viola Burlew John A. Lent


Book Reviews

Mark McKinney


A Funereal Exhibition

Clio Ding


An Exhibition Review

Domingos Isabelinho


A Challenge


Vol. 25, No.1
Ester Hotová 1

Comics and Propaganda: World War II

Xiutang Li


The Modern Imaginaire in Cao Hanmei’s The Golden Lotus

Mike Rhode


Chatting with 1/6: A Graphic Novel Writer Alan Jenkins about
Insurrections and Threats to Democracy

Darko Macan


In Favor of Happy Endings: An Interview with Bane Kerac

Daniel D. Clark


Japanese Jesus: The Humanity of Jesus in Hikaru Nakamura’s Saint Young Men

Aaron Humphrey


Cartooning the Inverse Zoo: The Forgotten Comic Art of Kurt Wiese

Richard A. Voeltz


“Here Is a Man Who Would Not Take It”: The Contemporary Revival of
the Newspaper Comic Strip The Outbursts of Everett True 1905-1927

Mark David Nevins

246 The“Do I Really Need Color in This Story?” An Interview with Reinhard Kleist Algerian War
Through the Noir Lens in Jacques Ferrandez and Maurice Attia’s Alger la noire

Joseph Christopher Schaub


Sabaibukei: Critiquing Capitalism in the Death Game Genre

Cassia Hayward-Fitch


“What’s Funny about AIDS?”: How Howard Cruse’s “Wendel” Confronted a Crisis

Mattia Arioli


War, Gender, and Diaspora in Clément Baloup’s Memoires de Viet Kieu

Daniela dos Santos
Domingues Marino
Natania Aparecida da Silva Nogueira


The Boom of Female Comics in the 21st Century in Brazil

Éric Dubois


Flash Gordon, Blake and Mortimer’s American Uncle Chapter #1: What Is a Superhero?

John A. Lent


Cartoonist Ambassador of Hope: Nigar Nazar of Pakistan

Paul V. Allen


Texas Jack Kent: A Comic Storyteller in San Antonio

Aditi Magotra and Varsha Singh


Basohmics: Reviving Basohli Art Through Modern Indian Comics

Linn A. Christiansen


Sanctioned Satire: Political Cartoons from China Daily

Mike Rhode


A Chat with Chad Bilyeu of Amsterdam

Freya Terryn


The Duality of Manga in the Work of Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

Laurence Grove


“The Rebirth of Angus Og”

Iwan Zahar


Karimata 1890: Silent Comic with Nusantara Concept

Kim A. Munson


Maurice Horn: a Memorial

Jason DeHart


An Essay
From Material to Meaning: Implications of Challenges to Young Adult
Graphic Novels 

Wim Lockefeer


Not All Heroes Need Museums: Brussels’ Marc Sleen Museum Closes

Lucio Luiz


Quadrinhopédia, a Brazilian Comics Biographical Dictionary Database

Éric Dubois


Demystifying The U Ray, the Better to Rewrite the Origin Myth of “Blake and Mortimer”

Lim Cheng Tju


Lianhe Zaobao’s 100th Anniversary Cartoon Exhibition and the Role of Comics in Asia in 2023



Book Reviews
   Michel Matly. El cómic sobre la guerra civil, by Héctor Fernández
   L’Hoeste, p. 542.
   Chesya Burke. Hero Me Not: The Containment of the Most Powerful
   Black, Female Superhero, by Stephanie Burt, p. 561.
   Miguel Ferguson and Anne Timmons. Brigadistas! Am American
   Anti-Fascist in the Spanish Civil War, by Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste, p. 566.
   John. A. Lent. Asian Political Cartoons, by Matt Wuerker, p. 579.
   Michelle Ann Abate. Blockheads, Beagles, and Sweet Babboos: New
   Perspectives on Charles M. Schulz’s
“Peanuts,” by Chris York, p. 581.
   Edward Sorel. Profusely Illustrated, A Memoir, by John A. Lent, p. 584.
   Simon Grennan, Roger Sabin, and Julian Waite.
   Marie Duval: Maverick Victorian Cartoonist, by Lizzy Walker, p. 588.
   Simon Appleford. Drawing Liberalism: Herblock’s Political
   Cartoons in Postwar America, by Christina M. Knopf, p. 593.
   Jimmy Kugler and Michael Kugler. Into the Jungle! A Boy’s Comic
   Strip History of World War II, by James Willetts, p. 597.
   Heike Bauer, Andrea Greenbaum, and Sarah Lightman, eds.
   Jewish Women in Comics: Bodies and Borders, by John A. Lent, p. 600.
   António Antunes. Angeli: 50 anos de humor, Bárbara Reis,
   José António Lima, and António Antunes. Cartoons do ano 2022,
   by John A. Lent, p. 602.
   Michael Rhode and John A. Lent. Comics Research Bibliography
   2022 E-book Edition, by Michael Rhode, p. 605.
   Michael Rhode. The Wonder of Sound and Vision: Film, TV & Other
   Media Adaptations of Comics (2022 Edition), by Michael Rhode, p. 607.
   Michael Rhode. Public Radio and Voice of America on Comics & Cartoons:
   A Bibliography (2023 Edition), by Michael Rhode, p. 608.
   Compleating Cul de Sac 2nd Edition Available in Print by Michael Rhode, p. 609.

Laurie Anne Agnese
Michael Rhode


Exhibition Reviews



Letters to the Editor

Michael Hill




Vol. 25, No.2
John A. Lent 3

The International Journal of Comic Art: A Silver Anniversary Rundown, 1999-2023

Hélène Tison


“The Story of the Holocaust Is Not Pretty, And It’s Not Redemptive.”

Ignacio Fernández Sarasola


Spanish Superheroes under the Franco Dictatorship

Tran Thi Nguyet Anh


Commercializing Pleasure: The Development of the Manga Industry in Vietnam
after Opening to the Global Market

Jeffrey O. Segrave


Sport in Johnny Hart’s B.C.: A Study in Comedic Anachronism

Andrea Keene


Division, Duty, and Face: Exploring Three Interpersonal Relationships in Japanese Anime

Michael Rhode


The State of Comic Art Bibliography in North America (2010)

Mike Rhode

236 Comics Bibliography for the 21st Century

Eva Ule, Matevž Rems
and Tajida Liplin


“When Comics Become Fixed, It Stops Being a Place of Freedom and Invention”
Interview with Paul Gravett

Fatma Fulya Tepe


A Cartoon Analysis of Boşboğaz (Bigmouth) Humor Gazette from 1945 in Turkey

Yuri Shakouchi


Coffee, Poetry, and Superpowers for Men: Beatnik-Hipster Superhero and
Gender in The X-Men

Yiheng Wang


Comics and Cartoons on Social Media Adopted as Public Service Advertisements
and Entertainment Education Strategy for the Response of COVID-19 in China

Daniele Battista


Beyond Comedy: A Global Perspective to Understand the Social Impact of
Humor and Satire in Politics

Natsume Fusanosuke Translated by Jon Holt and Teppei Fukuda


Manga and Words

Krista M. Turner


Performance, Resistance, and the Comics Medium in Sally Heathcote, Suffragette

Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste


From the Heart of Empire: The Politics of Camilo Aguirre’s What Remains

Liam Webb


Captain Marvel: Losing, Replacing, and Regaining Family

Claude Michel Moïse


Cultural Expectations for Heroism Analysis of Hero Character Designs
in Shōnen Manga and Superhero Comics

David Beard


Letting the Everyday Speak Its Own Power: The Works of Von Allan

John A. Lent


The Demise of Three Comics Scholarship Giants: Maurice Horn, David Kunzle,
and Alfredo Castelli

Ian Gordon
Ivan Lima Gomes
Pedro Moura


David Kunzle April 17, 1936 – January 1, 2024

Wiliam H Foster, III


Memories of Dr. M. Thomas Inge (1936-2021)
“Gone but Not Forgotten”



Book Reviews
   Qiana Whitted, ed. Desegregating Comics: Debating Blackness in the Golden
   Age of American Comics, by Michael Kobre, p. 495.Edgar Calabia Samar,
   Natasha Ringor, and Mervin Malonzo. Janus Silang and the Creature of
   Tábon, Volume 1, Arnold Arre. The Children of Bathala, Arnold Arre.
   The Journey to Lupan-On, by Lara Saguisag, p. 501.
   Leela Corman. Victory Parade, by Hélène Tison, p. 503.
   Pedro Moura, ed. Ilan Manouach in Review--Critical Approaches to His
   Conceptual Comics, by Gareth Brookes, p. 508.
   Kathy Merlock Jackson, Carl H. Sederholm, and Mark I. West (eds.).
   Forgotten Disney: Essays on the Lesser-Known Productions,
   by Cord A. Scott, p. 510.
   Alison Halsall. Growing Up Graphic: The Comics of Children in Crisis, by
   Cecilia Garrison, p. 512.
   Esra Mirze Santesso. Muslim Comics and Warscape Witnessing, by Adrienne
   Resha, p. 517.
   J. Andrew Deman. The Claremont Run: Subverting Gender in the X-Men, by
   James Willetts, p. 520.
   J. Andrew Deman. The Claremont Run: Subverting Gender in the X-Men, by
   Christopher Roman, p. 522.
   Nora Krug. Diaries of War: Two Visual Accounts from Ukraine and Russia [A
   Graphic Novel History],
by Kenneth Oravetz, p. 525.
   CT Lim and Koh Hong Teng. Drawn to Satire: Sketches of Cartoonists in
   Singapore, by Felix Cheong, p 527. Nate Powell. Fall Through, by CT Lim, p. 529.
   Ramin Zahed. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie, by
   Michael Kobre, p. 530.
   Josh Trujillo and Levi Hastings. Washington’s Gay General: The Legends and
   Loves of Baron von Steuben, by Cord Scott, p. 534.
   Eliot Borenstein. Marvel Comics in the 1970s: The World inside Your Head,
   by CT Lim, p. 537.
   Matthias Lehmann. Parallel, by Lizzy Walker, p. 540.
   Chris Robinson. All-Negro Comics (the 75th Anniversary Edition), by Cord Scott, p. 542.

 Xu Ying


Exhibition and Media Reviews “This Is A Cartoon Era. ” An Exhibition of
Chinese Famous Cartoonist Mi Gu’s Works From 1945-1965.

Review by Nick


Spirou dans la tourmente de la Shoah. Didier Pasamonik and Caroline Francois 

Review by Laurie
Anne Agnese


Le Petit Poilu in Concert: A Fresh Take on Music and Movement in Comics.

Grace Livingston
Wright Hulme
Jae-Woong Kwon,
John A. Lent, and Xu


International Journal of Comic Art
Author, Country, and Genre Index
Volumes 1-25 (1999-2023) 



International Journal of Comic Art Book, Exhibition, and Media Reviews Index
Volumes 1-25 (1999-2023)


Vol. 26, No.1
John A. Lent 1

Editor’s Notes

Stephen Connor


The Things They Buried: Marvel Comics and the Vietnam War, 1963-2019

Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste


The Supermachos Strike Again! Rius and the Defense of Marijuana in Mexican Comics

Alessio Alett
Manuela Di Franco


“The Flow of Flipping Through the Pages”: An Interview with David Marchetti

Kay K. Clopton


Falling Silently Like Snow: Interpretations of Sound as a Lived Experience in A Sign of Affection

CT Lim


Punk Rocker to Award-Winning Comics Artist: An Interview with Nate Powell

Msanii Kimani wa Wanjiru


A Graphic Repor
The Editorial Cartoon and Political Change in Kenya

Ipsa Samaddar

138 The Shakchunni Project: From Childhood Fear to Internet Icon

James F. Wurtz Mandy Reid


Reading Beyond Martin: March, Souls of Black Folk, and the Struggle for Civil Rights in the BLM Era

Rachel E. Khan Kara C. David


Leveraging Comic Art in the Fight Against Disinformation: A Philippine Case Study

José Alaniz


Aquí Tenemos Todo: A Love & Rockets Snapshot

Justin Zhuang


Spectator Sport: The Cartoons of “Sham’s Saturday Smile”

Oleg Dergachov


“To Say Out Loud Everything You Think About and Everything Around You” --The Views of Russia’s Viktor Bogorad

CT Lim


Sham’s Smiles

Women’s Manga: A Symposium
Moderated by Fusami Ogi

Fusami Ogi, project leader of WMRP


Women’s Manga: Toward an Expanded Field Crossing Boundaries

Fusami Ogi


Shōjo Manga: A Challenging Label in the Global Age

Abby Denson


Sharing My Shōjo Manga Influence at Angoulême

Jessica Bauwens-Sugimoto


Kyoto, Popular Culture, Campus Life and the Pandemic

Kazumi Nagaike


Are There Any Texts in BL Studies? Rethinking Narrativity of BL Ethnicity in
Japan and Southeast Asia

Matthew Loux


Prunella and the Cursed Skull Ring

Jason D. DeHart


Twisted Vines and Tangled Roots: A Reflection and Analysis of Swamp Thing

Krishna Sankar Kusuma


Mediating Socio-Political Issues through Digital Cartoons: A Study of
Caste-Based Cartoons on Instagram in India

Kosei Ono


The First Tarzan Manga, Boken Tarzan

Sandy Jimenez


A Comics and Nonfiction Graphic Memoir Course at The Graduate Center:
A Trial Run at Teaching the Methods and Making of Nonfiction Visual Narrative
as Part of Postgraduate Study and Its Resulting Work

Maria-Theodora Folina Chrysa Agapito
Dimitris Folinas


Do Comics Affect Pop Culture? The Case of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

John A. Lent


One of a Kind, Trina Robbins, 1938-2024

William H. Foster III


Farewell to the Mother of Women’s Comic Book History Trina Robbins
(August 17, 1938 - April 10, 2024)

John A. Lent


Bob Beerbohm: 1952-2024

Michael Rhode


Research Prompts



News Briefs



Book Reviews
   Laurent Baridon and Marie Laureillard. Caricatures en Extrême-Orient.
   Origines, Rencontres, Métissages, by Valentina Denzel, p. 340.
   Jonathan Najarian, ed. Comics and Modernism: History, Form, and
   Culture, by John A. Lent, p. 345. Phil Witte and Rex Hesner. Funny Stuff:
   How Great Cartoonists
Make Great Cartoons, by Sam Cowling, p. 347.
   Haruki Murakami. Adapted by Jean-Christophe Deveney and illustrated
   by PMGL. Haruki Murakami: Manga Stories, by Jon Holt, p. 349.
   Laura Cristina Fernández, Amadeo Gandolfo, and Pablo Turnes, eds.
   Burning Down the House: Latin American Comics in the 21st Century, by
   Maite Urcaregui, p. 355.
   Jan Baetens, Hugo Frey, and Fabrice Leroy. Eds. The Cambridge
   Companion to the American Graphic Novel
, by Kirsten Møllegaard, p. 358.
   Kaori Okura and Makiko Itoh (trans). Sōseki Natsume’s Botchan:
   The Manga Edition. mkdeville and Philippe Nicloux (ills). Akutagawa’s Rashômon and Other
, by Liz Brown, p. 361.
   Laura Moretti and Satō Yukiko, eds. Graphic Narratives from Early
   Modern Japan. The World of Kusazōshi
, by John A. Lent, p. 364.
   Matt Reingold. The Comics of Asaf Hanuka: Telling Particular and

   Universal Stories, by Cord A. Scott, p. 366.
   Kent Worcester. A Cultural History of The Punisher, by CT Lim, p. 368.
   Brian R. Solomon. Superheroes! The History of a Pop-Culture
   Phenomenon from Ant-Man to Zorro, by Dominick Grace, p. 370.
   Benjamin Fraser. Ben Katchor, by Matt Reingold, p. 373.
   Joseph R. Givens and Darius A. Spieth, eds. Robert Williams:
, by John A. Lent, p. 373.
   Josh Tuininga. We Are Not Strangers: Based on a True Story, by Shanna
   Hollich, p. 375.
   Rachel Khan. I Run to Make My Heart Beat, by Lori Spradley, p. 377.
   Marc Sumerak, Elena P. Craig, and Ted Thomas. Marvel Comics:
   Cooking with Deadpool, by Lizzy Walker, p. 379.
   Ken Forkish and Sarah Becan. Let’s Make Bread! A Comic Book
   Cookbook, by Christina Pasqua, p. 382.
   Christina De Witte and Mallika Kauppinen. Noodles, Rice, and
   Everything Spice: A Thai Comic Book Cookbook
, by Cord A. Scott, p. 387.
   Justin Gardiner. Small Altars, by Liz Brown, p. 389.
   Rich Johnson. The Incredible Hulk: Worldbreaker, Hero, Icon, by José Alaniz, p. 391.



Exhibition Reviews
   Asian Comics: Evolution of an Art Form, by Charles Hatfield, p. 395.
   Comments on the Huge Cartoon Exhibition At the Pompidou Center in
   Paris, by Harri Römpötti, p. 407.

Chubasco (Victor
Emmanuel Vélez Becerra),
Oleg Dergachov, Jugoslav Vlahovic,

